The fact that they are willing to go through with these Genji changes is beyond me, I have 0 faith in the new balance leader and the fact that Sojourn wasn’t even nerfed
When this patch comes out I’m gonna fill up the Tank queue because that role seems a lot more appealing now.
If you read this and agree with the Genji nerfs, I hope you’re happy that the hero is killed.
I’m so done. How in the world does anybody look at Sojourn dominating from bronze to gm and go “Ah yes! She’s perfectly fine!”
funniest thing this isnt a lie at all.
soujorn is literally dominating all ranks, AND the ow league
Genji is a weird one, he’s still the easiest character to counter, I guess these changes are mostly for bronze/silver players that don’t really switch characters.
New hero, flashy plays in OWL, new players come to the game. It’s sad but that’s probably why they’re going to wait until next season to nerf her.
I’m happy that genji gets nerfed but that’s not supposed to be a nerf but if a nerf sojurn I would be the happiest
Where are the patch notes?
Yeah, I had already low expectations but them holding out on Sojourn nerfs for god knows why is so frustrating.
Likely gonna drop off the game if she ends up becoming even more dominant.
are there new patch notes today?
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well, I wouldn’t say that genji is the easiest character to counter. stop looking at this character as the weakest and most skilful character because neither of them has been for a long time
Genji os oppressive in most games. Just because he’s countered easily in your rank doesn’t mean in most others he is shut down. He’s in like 90% of games along with Soujourn. He needed a nerf.
But so does Soujourn. It is outrageous she’s going untouched.
I feel like they would have done that with kiriko to then i think their just not to smart
They just said on the Twitter Spaces that “every game had Moira…because Genji was so prevalent”
no what the reason people play Moira so much is because she’s EASY TO PLAY. nobody is playing Moira in high ladder despite “her being good against Genji”.
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I am not even talking about being easy or hard to play as, I am saying Genji has two hard counters and 2 soft counters. Respectively Winston(Situational and good character), Moira(Meta), Symmetra and Mei(both non-meta and very situational.)
If you pick Winston vs a Genji, that character is a dead pick, especially if you got a Moira on your team, most of the times you’re going to force that Genji to go Reaper, afterwards you just pick Zarya, Sigma or and destroy him.
You lose 6 damage per shot and think he’s unusable, that’s a joke. Why not spend that energy complaining to actually get good and land that one extra shot you need?
Most of Kirikos value isn’t from flashy headshots, it’s from proper ability usage though. Not as easy to get new players with a clutch immo as it is a crazy Sojourn ult streak.
I’m also really sorry to see your main completely butchered because of this new incompetent balance team
These are rough times
but that goes for each character. As the main reaper, I can say the same that the reaper is unplayable as the enemy has widow / zarya / hanzo because these characters just do what they want with the reaper