Getting Creative with the Community Crafted Mode

Keep the lifeweaver weapon change speed.
Keep the lifeweaver weapon change speed.
Keep the lifeweaver weapon change speed.
Keep the lifeweaver weapon change speed.
Keep the lifeweaver weapon change speed.

That is all it’s perfect.

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I have never seen such perfect demonstrations of “I have no idea how this character actually plays or what their problems are”.

It’s REALLY obvious which creator doesn’t play what.

They said they are working on his weapon change speed, I’m hoping they make it instant like what the game mode has. (I could be wrong but I thought they said they were looking into it on reddit)

Why Moira is not available???


Looks fun but i’m not gonna touch it, way too many changes to learn just for an arcade mode that’s going to vanish in a couple of weeks.

Whoever designed this Mercy rez needs to be out of this creative team lol

everyone so rude about the changes that creators really gave thought to is annoying. the mode is fun, and funny and goofy. it’s an ARCADE mode. there’s maybe three total comments of actual constructive criticism and the rest are just unhelpful in every single way.


As in the past, it doesn’t feel like there was much thought given to actually synergizing the changes and making sure all the streamers and the devs implementing the changes are on the same page. It’s just a random mish changes with totally different goals and that doesn’t make for good game-play. It’s a nice idea on paper but the execution just ain’t there.

April Fools and Mirrorwatch are wild modes yet still mostly cohesive feeling and that’s core to why they’re so fun.

Not this load of tosh again

PLEASE let us do this type of stuff in the workshop it would save overwatch


I came here to say exaclty this. I played a few games last night and they were soooo fun. It’s arcade. It’s made by the community. It’s not supposed to be something serious.

I don’t get those people who expect more than just a weird kinda fun game mode. I mean, even by reading the patch notes we can clearly see some little amount of trolling towards some heros. And that’s even funnier when playing the game.

I love playing mercy. Nobody can catch me, and my team hates me when they die after 10 secs after rez. I laughed with my teams and enemy teams last night soon much.

And there are the other players. Those who play this kind of game modes like they are playing Comp.

We need more goofy fun in this game. We are too serious about it honestly.

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It was Eskay, a content creator and it’s meant to be a bit of fun and tbh it’s more risk/reward now than whatever the current rez is.

You have to choose who to rez and they have 10 seconds to act on it.

I can make own fun thanks.

Not even going to touch anything that has CC’s hands on.

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Flats’s fingerprints are all over the tank changes

Rein: buffed - Flats
DVa: buffed - Emongg
Sigma: buffed - Emongg
Hog: trashed - Flats

Emongg and Flats are best buds. They’ve sat down together and buffed the heroes they like/play and trashed anyone they don’t like, mostly hog.

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Sup sassy, I feel like these are the changes reaper needs, it increases his skill cap and makes him fun to play again. Honestly I only ever play comp, but this season I’m probably only playing the new game mode because it’s actually more fun than regular ow.

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I agree. I had a lot of fun playing him. You can actually dive in and out with relative ease.

If some of the other characters (mainly the projectile ones) weren’t extremely unbalanced, the game mode would be way more fun. Regardless of that, I consistently dropped 30 kills a game, so it’s still worth playing.

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Honestly some people are hating on these changed but I’m all for it. I’ve been playing ow since 2017, increasing the skill level of every character makes the game more interesting. Not just reaper dva was so much fun too.

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Yes it’s just a fun community mode so I’m only complaining a little bit but

Hearing a mercy player I respect the opinions of call these changes fire, when they just knocked a second off GA and somehow made rez even worse… Idk lol, as a fellow mercy I don’t know why you’d want this thing to have MORE mobility and Less team value.

Played Cassidy, can’t even roll backwards if you’re facing the enemy. A nerf.