Getting Creative with the Community Crafted Mode

Tank changes: :smile:
DPS changes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Support changes: :expressionless:

(And does it look good when those creators don’t even like the post? About what they made?)

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Tracer will ruin this mode

no one thought to make sure the scope and intent was similar across roles?

mode’s kinda cooked, oh well I guess?

‘Fun’ is subjective, and this definitely isn’t it.

All the damage heroes are busted, the tank heroes don’t die, and the Supports literally got nothing. Wow, Lifeweaver has 2 petals and a reduced cooldown on Life Grip. So mind boggling.

Seriously, who let the worst OW creators work on this gamemode? Like, I’m sorry, this is a colossal failure.

Should’ve just brought back Mirrorwatch with new heroes added to it, that would’ve been incredible. But we get this slop instead.


I do not understand what Sym’s turrets are supposed to do in this mode.

Are people expected to walk into the stationary laser beams that don’t move?


What a fail of a mode. Never cook again so fricking dumb


It is open-queue but I think the game still forces 1-2-2. One match I could only pick a tank.

IDK if I’m alone in this but I’m REALLY excited to try out those Lifeweaver changes :eyes: I’m so glad his thorns got buffed yesssssssss this is grand

ahh the does damage a second later widow test again. i kind of hated that feeling of shooting someone but nothing happening lol

hopefully they never put that in the game for real unless some compensation buffs
 big ones

i rather they rework widowmaker to be another ashe or ashe 2.0. no charge time but less damage and more shots. basically a markman rifle type hero like ashe

oh and the content creator buffs/nerfs are always silly and sometimes they buff the heroes THEY play and nerf the ones THEY hate lol
 i mean they usually seem biased

This sounds extremely unfun. All the best characters got better, many dramatically.

Then there are just a lot of degenerate changes. Like, why does Torb’s turret go ult mode on a short cooldown? Why does Zarya’s ult just become unbeatable? Why does Ana need Bap boots?

And those Mercy and Roadhog changes? Actually terrible. It’s like an April Fools patch without the funny.


I don’t think blizzard realizes like 95% of the playerbase doesn’t give a damn about streamers. Nobody is thinking “Oh boy I can’t wait to see what balance changes Custard made.” And it’s not even fun like the april fools stuff because half the people did serious changes and the other half did joke ones

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Hey can you actually do a pass on these changes so that they’re actually fun, and the power level remains similar across the board? Every time this mode returns, it’s no fun when there’s clearly a bunch of heroes that are just absurdly strong.

Bastion and Symmetra may as well have been deleted. Doomfist and Ana just got “oops all buffs, removed all weaknesses”. And others are just so seriously boring, Echo can duplicate allies? Wooooooow. That’ll be ‘fun’ maybe 3 times a game. Mei gets a measly 20% speed bonus when shooting ice at her feet? Soldier got +30% on his sprint, and he doesn’t even have to use his ammo for that!

Like c’mon. These streamers cannot resist giving their favourite heroes gigabuffs and the most braindead, boring changes to heroes they don’t care about.

(seriously what the hell are you meant to do with symmetra tripwire turrets and a nerfed teleporter)


99% dont even care. Also i am glad that event objectives can be done in ranked/qp, since i will not even try this new trash mode designed for 4 people. (streamers).

We gettin real freaky with this one


Sonic Amplifier

  • Damage per projectile increased from 18 to 22.

Sound Barrier

  • Now provides more Overhealth based on Lucio’s fall time, scaling up to 100% bonus Overhealth if falling for 1 or more seconds.

Ashe being able to stop Bob sounds good, so does Kiriko getting some independence from her team for mobility
the rest of the changes mostly make me uninterested in trying the mode though.

I am not going to lie, just at a glance a lot of these changes do not seem particularly fun. Perhaps the Reinhardt one, but it also seems to be a thing that would make me enjoy base Reinhardt less, so I might skip it.

I imagine I just one trick Doomfist for tank. Reaper and Soldier for DPS with a splash of Bastion for old time’s sake, and maybe Kiriko or Moira because these are “what if” scenarios I always thought about. The problem is NOTHING is particularly interesting.

Usually I want to try everyone, but these are not particularly inspired

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More dumb things to attract the community for a day or two then dies right after. These resources can go to things that actually count like the game itself. Still a DPS passive with nothing addressed about how busted it is?!!

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It’s crazy that this mode is more fun and balanced than the regular game lol


A lot of heroes have such miniscule changes that you’d never even realize they were there in normal play, like Ashe, while others have huge changes. There’s no parity and I’m sure a lot of players feel left out by how underwhelming some of these changes are.
Hell, some of them are flat out nerfs like Symmetra and Sigma.

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That Brig icon change should definitely be a thing

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