Getting Creative with the Community Crafted Mode

I am really, really disappointed with Eskay’s creativity vacuum when it comes to Lucio vs all the other supports.

Ana gets an apocalyptic buff with Exo boots, Bap gets airborne speedboost and even more mobility, Brigitte gets a speed boost, Moira gets CRITS for an easymode beam and Lucio gets a vanilla damage boost and a very situational ult change.

Even without thinking too hard… a simple “Lucio’s reload time is halved while wall riding” would have been fun, played into the playstyle.

Lucio gets an extra round of ammo per clip, something nearly every Lucio main has begged for…

Lucio can now use opponents’ bodies and shields as jumpable and wallriding objects.

I get that she was doing all supports, but it feels like she did my boy wrong to avoid the appearance of bias.

The one change I do really like is Mercy’s temporary resurrection, which would actually be a tremendous thing in the actual game, which is… resurrection allows play during the respawn timer delay period, but when respawn is ready, they go back. This would allow resurrection to be used much more often being a clutch skill that only provides a temporary clutch play, rather than undoing death entirely.

I mean, even the concept of a 10 second duration mass res could be a spectacular ult component for Mercy way better than the original incarnation. The fact that Blizzard is stupidly binary (res must be permanent at full health 100% of the time) has really limited the implementation.

Tell me how it makes any since that a 400 pound Roadhog is going to be able to fling himself to the enemy or environment…

Some of these changes should be in the main game. Lifeweaver, a character Blizz has not fixed or made fun in a year is so much better.

Reaper who i would consider one of the worst DPS is SO MUCH FUN NOW its kinda insane. Just add the weird Moria fade (minus the 50 dmg when passing through enemies) and make it so that you heal Overhealth if full health. Please make them basegame.

as long players can earn more coins from not playing the game than playing the game, you are not having a game.

Give players ways to unlock at least a portion of the stuff they want, right now players cant earn anything

death game with no content needs to use ideas from 4 stupid youtubers to balance the game, oh jesus christ. their opinion is no worth more or less than anyone on this forum

can there be a little more coordination whenever y’all do these creator-led events? It’s always like, one of them decides to do silly changes, one decides to do good changes, one decides to do busted changes, and then none of the roles are remotely balanced.

The support changes compared to the tank changes make those two roles feels like they’re in different games. Look at Rein’s changes vs Bap’s. That’s a joke.

Maybe I’m just salty because Zen has gotten the lamest changes in the last few LTMs.

That is just peak top 500 balancing.

Praise be to those on high.