"Get some friends, there are 5 of us and you're alone."

Oh, that actually explains everything.

There’s a very significant difference between “Self-censoring” and “Not acting like human garbage”. No part of refraining from telling strangers on the internet to kill themselves is “Self-censorship”, it’s just acting like a decent human being. Your inability to actually understand this very-obvious difference says a lot, despite your pretentious efforts to the contrary.

And… I already know the answer to this, but are you serious, with the huge red herring about dark comedy? Your backpedaling is almost as cringe-worthy as your neckbeard right now.


Please don’t go. I was hoping you’d reply to my post. :disappointed:

That’s unfortunate.

20 characters.

I hate this also. I have friends with mental health issues, and they confided in me thoughts of suicide.

However, I don’t think Blizzard is conservative. I report every person that tells someone to commit suicide, and they have taken action every time.

I don’t know Blizzard’s actions, I’d like to think they were permabanned, but I know they do punish players that make these comments.


Call me unpopular opinion guy over here, but people really need to grow a spine.

I’m assuming 99% of people stopped reading there to furiously type up a counter post without reading the rest of my post that will cover their counter points ahead of time, but nonetheless:

I’m not saying its right that people are jerks. They shouldn’t be, and ‘toxic’ boyos do deserve to be booted from the game.

HOWEVER, people are becoming WAY too dependent on the gaming company to impossibly protect them from every last insult, expecting Blizzard to be their personal knight in shining armor to deflect every insult before it ever reaches them.

But this is reality. No matter the precautions taken by the gaming company you will run across terrible people on the internet. Blizzard can’t tell when someone’s going to be a jerk so you will read and hear terrible things from terrible people. They can’t prevent that from happening, no matter how hard they try.

So its also up to you to help deal with the problem, not exclusively up to Blizzard.

You can:

  • Mute them
  • Report them
  • Learn to not take these people seriously and move on with your life

I do all those things and it works wonders.

I’ve been told to end my life, been called terrible at the game, I’ve received death threats,the list goes on and on. But it doesn’t bother me because I don’t take these people seriously one bit.

Your other option is to:

  • Take them seriously, let them get to you and become mortally offended
  • Run to the forums to blame Blizzard for not dealing with the situation while simultaneously refusing to take any steps to deal with it yourself
  • Continue repeating this process until you either get driven off the internet or learn how to deal with the trolls that dwell within

Ever since I stopped taking those toxic people seriously and use the mute function my enjoyment has increased exponentially. I suggest you try it because the reality is Blizzard isn’t going to be able to single handedly protect you 24/7 no matter how hard they try.


I never once said it would lead to suicide. That’s not the issue for me. You’ve got a vested interest in getting away with this behaviour I believe is untenable, so I don’t know if you can really be expected to provide a reasonable argument. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


I haven’t received a single action report and I have report plenty of inappropriate behavior and cheating.
OW claims it is fixed, but nothing happens.

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That argument you made is just plain ridiculous. Context does not make saying “Kill yourself” justifiable in any way. I have more to say but I am on my phone and would rather not exert the effort.


I don’t think it’s okay to “police” (for lack of better word) how people react to toxic BS like this, among other things. I’m not quite sure where the OP asked for ways to combat the issue… seems like they were just telling facts and expressing discontent with how Blizzard handles it (implying that they did, in fact, report/mute/etc.)

Everybody already knows their options when it comes to toxicity in this game, but it’s also okay to express concern about it in the forums. I usually see people trying to “shame” or “belittle” OPs when they make a post about toxicity, as if it’s their fault that the other person said these terrible things.

I’m not directing this exactly at you, either, I’m just trying to show the other side of why it’s not as simple as mute/report and growing a spine.


“What, was that, you’d like to get flagged? I hear ya.”

Not just QP.
All modes. It’s a disease really, no cure at sight tho.

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Yeah right lol gamers have the BEST hand eye coordination

If you want to get suspended from the forums then this is one way to get that.

I HATE playing this game with stacks.

They are always so bad at the game and whine in voice.

You can’t tell people how to feel. You can’t tell people “Get over it” like some heartless person. Each person handles things differently. .and who are you to tell anyone how they should handle anything? Learn about compassion. Some people are able to let things roll off their backs and move on, but you know what… some people aren’t. Those who can’t should NOT be ridiculed by those who can. People who do thinks its fine to belittle those who are more sensitive, are nothing but bullies also.

Learn to give advice without being abusive and nasty with your words. Making sure OP knows that you find them, or anyone, pathetic if they can’t just “get over it” is disgusting.


No I don’t think gaming by itself will result in good hand eye coordination but it is supplemental for me, it also happens to be fun.

LoupNoir??? Nevermind I just don’t have it in me to respond to your vitriol.

What? Did people really say that to you, OP? :cold_sweat: That’s terrible!

It sounds like they’re trying to be mean for the sake of being mean. People like them are just majorly insecure, and think they can get away with anything just because they’re hidden behind the safety of a screen.


Good lord. This is exactly what I’m talking about, I’m not heartless because people in this day and age are so frail they get worked up over people on the internet. If you can’t be happy, be my guest. But don’t take away freedoms because you’re too fragile to handle people on the internet.

Yeah. Pretty much non-stop until the game was over. I like overwatch because it seems to be an inclusive game with a fairly positive community on the surface, but there are some horrible people playing this game and it seems that they’re getting away with it a bit too easily. It’d be one thing if these people were on new accounts, but they had silver borders with stars or several bronze stars. It’s nothing new to me for people to be toxic in this game, but this was an exceptionally messed up experience. It made me feel that I might want to stop playing this game for a while. It is a very good game, but the community can ruin it.

LoupNoir, are you really happy? I am, but this was an exceptionally bad experience. That’s all. This is what the forums are here for. It’s funny that you’d come in here just to rage and try to censor me. Are you afraid of your privilege being taken away?

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Sticks and stones break bones, but words will not.

Ha… haha… hahahahahahahahahahahaha! :joy:

Can’t push through all the meaningless garbage and find enjoyment in life

But life is meaningless garbage. :thinking: Some people enjoy it but it’s still devoid of inherent meaning.