"Get some friends, there are 5 of us and you're alone."

You dont understand what context means.

What was done is not context. That is the event. The action. The context is why that event transpired (in this case particularly) the motivations of the harassers.

The context is as I stated. They were bullying you in an attempt to get you what to do. The context is that of harassment and bullying. That is not acceptable.


You weren’t stuck with. You could have left at any point, you could have muted them and report them. Blizzard provides plenty of options. You can now use the new feature as well to find a group. It’s the internet, people say all kinds of stuff. My opinion about myself really doesn’t revolve around what somebody I never met said about me.


Toxic people are rampant in QP, it’s pretty unbelievable. The mode is supposed to be no pressure

I think toxicity all around is pretty high in OW, and why that is I think is semi-unclear.

I dont believe its an issue easily boiled down to “Garbage people and Trolls.”

The severity of it on this game is unusual, IMO. And I dont think its so easily boiled down to it. But thats another discussion as is.


I love eichenwalde and I was doing good as soldier. I’d have felt like a loser to leave due to being bullied out, so idunno. Like I said, it didn’t get to me. Just because I am making this post doesn’t mean I was hurt. It’s an objectively negative experience, but it’s just small people saying their small minded things to try to get their way. I feel like I’d be encouraging their behaviour by letting them get their way. It was made into something more than just the game, but I love eichenwalde and I was playing soldier really well.

edit: It’s very important to be able to recognize the difference between a caring heart and a wounded heart. You’ve got the two confused unfortunately.


It clearly had a strong emotional impact on you based on the post you made, no offense mate.

You know how I deal with such situations? I mute + report and keep playing like nothing happened.


Yeah turn the blind eye, that’s the way to make a difference in the world. Never speak out about the wrongs you experience. That’s a very good respectable attitude. Being passive. I’m proud to speak up about this experience, and I feel everyone should be.



Oh god, this really quickly turned into a social justice warrior/ safe space type of thing. Genuinely sorry you were harassed, my advice mute + report + move on with your life. Good luck though with your holy crusade.


Man this game is such a dumpster of negativity. I really feel concerned when I read that people actually think it’s fine when people are told to kill themselves. I’m a relatively hardened person, and I don’t have a problem at all with smack talking or cursing of any kind, but telling someone to kill themselves is on a whole different level.

I think it’s important that people understand that there ARE certain words that do matter… it’s not just an issue of growing a thicker skin. Everyone is going through their own struggles and you never know, it could be that one person in a million that is one “kill yourself already” away from actually doing it.


Wow :expressionless:

Totally against what happened to you but maybe you shouldn’t have posted this.


“Hey, man, I know I burned your house down and killed your dog with a sledgehammer, but it was just a joke. Context matters, not the action itself lol get over it.”


:rofl: If somebody said that to me in voice chat or wrote it I would burst out laughing. Thanks mate that was a good one.

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Its not healthy to take things seriously on the internet…


You’re right. I should have said “grown out of video games” I’ll correct that.

edit: I didn’t mean it as an offensive statement either, I think it’s good to keep the young heart alive and I think video games do that, but I will still correct it and I am sorry for the wording.

Congrats. you got me! The one time context is less important is when its something so fundamentally egregious, and purposefully done that reasonable people wouldnt find it as a joke.

Good job. Im defeated. Context doesnt matter.


Isn’t your entire argument based on the strawman that is “people sometimes light heartedly use suicide as a joke and it’s cool because some people don’t know that it’s an issue worth caring about because they lack the personal experience of losing someone to suicide”

Imagine being so disrespectful and rationalizing the behaviour because a lot of the time nobody present in the chat room knows why they should find it unacceptable. It’s untenable behaviour, this is undisputable for those who’ve experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide. Blizzard should take a stand for the minority that it does effect. I think that more people are effected by it than you might care to accept, especially considering the prevalence of the stoic “report mute and move on” attitude in this game. You don’t see the harm because you’re isolated behind your computer screen, you don’t see the reaction of the person you’ve hurt. It’s very detached and uncaring.

edit: It’s probably not a strawman but I am too dumb to understand that word and always feel it is applicable. Oh well. Lol.


Sorry y’had to go through that mate- I get a lot of that after announcing myself to the team. I announce “YEA! LET’S [removed expletive] DO THIS! WOO!” to be energetic and optimistic- which a good 40% of the people I play with take it negatively and respond with such quips.
I, fortunately, love my life incredibly so and don’t mind the insult too much- other than muting them and laughing as they don’t get the peeling they need to stay alive. I still cheer my friends on, and I still kick butt.
Instead of muting, reporting, and moving on- Mute, Report, Keep on kicking some serious butt in that match, and try to stay positive- not everyone’s a tweet.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language. Blizzard Support - Forum Code of Conduct

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I mean, maybe if you made a point that actually contributed to the conversation instead of acting like an apologist for bad behavior, trying to rationalize it via action tokens regardless of whether or not that particular action type is in and of itself bad, you would come off as a little less pretentious and dumb.

Context matters in situations where one action that could typically be considered bad may actually in fact generate utility, or a positive outcome. Killing is wrong, but it’s not wrong to defend yourself, right? That is a valid context for which a typically-bad thing may be considered good. There is no possible way that telling strangers on the internet to kill themselves creates utility, and trying to argue that “ignorance of one’s situation creates a context that makes this behavior acceptable” is just flat out retarded. If anything, ignorance makes it even less acceptable to act this way because there’s a significantly greater risk of creating an overall burden for the individuals involved than there is to create utility. In fact, the chance of generating any utility at all in this situation is non-existent, so even if you wanted to argue that point, you’d be out of luck.


Suicide is a complex and deep thing.

So are race relations.

Its like telling someone they should get cancer

If you tell someone that, and they respond that they do, in fact, have cancer, does the context matter?

To assume that they will, that assumes that suicidal people are absolutely weak and any utterances can send them ‘over the edge’.

Suppose there is a suicidal person, a person who’s reached the end of the line. This person logs in to their favorite game to see if it can make them feel something, but they meet bullies like those in the OP. Even if the suicidal player doesn’t kill themself the very moment they’re told to so, would you not agree that the context here matters, that this person is affected more than someone who isn’t struggling with the inherent meaninglessness of life and the futility of pretending the opposite?

The big problem with the internet is that a lot of people become outraged at the mention of something, and divorce the context.

I completely agree and I sincerely wish this weren’t such a blight on society itself. You seem like a fairly thoughtful person, which is why I want share a different perspective with you.

People with actual depression and suicidal tendencies are not likely to do this in one offs, but rather more so from sustained harassment.

A one-off instance of harassment doesn’t preclude the possibility of the victim being harassed by others. Imagine that you’re harassed IRL, so you turn to video games to escape reality, only to find yourself being harassed online. Would the harassment you experience online not count?

If the message you get out of this is that people shouldn’t simply shouldn’t harass others, irrespective of their mental/emotional states, that wouldn’t be incorrect.

While I wouldn’t support a no-tolerance policy, I would want different infractions to carry different penalties, and ‘KYS’ should earn the maximum penalty possible for something that’s not hacking/DDOSing. I’m thinking something like an immediate, temporary suspension. Obviously, this would require Blizzard to hire actual human beings to handle reports. Unfortunately, Blizzard is a small indie company, which can barely afford to keep its lights on.


Le sigh…

You dont know what a strawman is either, do you. (edit: oh you so did catch on…)

Let me point this out: If you have to resort to such an extreme example to disprove someone’s position, an example that would be “by and large” unreasonable by the average person, than you dont really got much of an argument.

Arguing context doesnt matter by using"I willfully burned your house down, and killed your dog brutally, but its a joke!" is resorting to a far extreme to disprove my point that context does matter.

Second, I never made the argument about saying things out of sheer ignorance or that people think its cool. I made the argument that self censoring because of it may offend someone is an issue.

Lets not even get started about dark comedy and how a real part of human nature is to make light of dark things as a coping method. Or the idea that you think that to understand suicide and its seriousness, you need to experience it. As an opinion of me about you, the fact that you think context doesnt matter, and being told to kill yourself is a serious and egregious offense no matter what, because someone may commit suicide comes off as treating the issue extremely lightly with little understanding of it by overblowing things rather than proper considerations.

Anyways, unfortunately I cant debate the topic further. Things to do. I dont think we’ll see eye to eye on this, unfortunately. Its a shame, but it was fun discussing it with you.