Get rid of Overbuff?

No. Developers have never limited their insights to top players. And Overbuff has always been reasonably close no matter what data point they have shown.

The site gained it’s reputation from being close to the devs time and time again


It can give a accurate representation of what the meta is, like Hog/Zarya, alot of players were saying they have been seeing those characters alot, and considering those characters had a high pickrates on overbuff, it’s close to what is happening in game, not exactly because it takes time for data to be captured and outside sources like Smurfs, Private Profiles, etc, but it can be pretty close.

It’s not 100%, it won’t ever be unless Private profiles were to be somewhat removed, or until again, Blizzard gives accurate data.


Private profiles did not effect their stats because it was always an opt-in survey with more data than it needed for such a data collection method anyway. There is only so close such a method can be

The only way for it to be more accurate is for Blizzard to release the stats of all players for data combing sites to use


I looked OverB’s calendar and I was pleased to see that the new July career profile update we got had an impact on Quick Play stats for Overbuff.
It gave me 0 wins and 3155 losses after the career profile change.

… and replace it with from the source, perfect data?

If that’s something blizz is willing to do…absolutely…

As is it’s pretty useless info…the meta is ___…yay?

The way it works is crawls the Blizzard website for profiles known to it, and averages out the data. If it has not crawled your particular profile or Blizzard’s website is not accurate at the time of crawling, it may not reflect what you see in games.

As Overbuff is gathering data from a massive sample size, individual outliers like that do not have much or an impact on the quality of the data.

Quickplay winrate is not tracked by Overbuff, as it not tracked by Blizzard’s website

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If Blizz did that would be great, since they won’t, I rather keep what we have.


Like yeah it’s what we have…but how does it really help you or me?

The only real use it seems to ever get on here is people telling each other who they should play

At the very ultmost least, it shows us the outlier heroes like Genji soaring in pickrate after his buffs or Hog’s above 100% rates.

I for one find the data very good and useful, despite the private profile imperfection, Overbuff still has thousands to work with and that’s a decent sample.

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I argue there is a bug in overbuff as it would never calculate losses. And then decided to give me them all at once with the career profile update.

People have given numerous ways it has helped them throughout the thread. Why do you keep ignoring that? Because it contradicts your viewpoint?

And this feeling based discourse is somehow supposed to be desirable?

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They aren’t tracking either wins or losses for Quickplay winrate. They aren’t pulling data from in-game and that information is not provided by Blizzard. You can disregard all winrate information about Quickplay.


Ok…they’re picked a lot…He is considered a meta hero…What do I do with that? I’ll probably still be a terrible genji player if I try to use him…Doesn’t fit my play style…or…I kick his butt anyway…why should I care that everyone else thinks he’s good

Contrast that with something like say:

Here’s statistics for genji when paired with every other dps on the game…here are his stats against opponents…You can do something with that

And At a bare minimum you have to look at the whole private profile thing for stat collecting…case I don’t know about you but whenever I check it’s maaaaaaaaybe 1 out of the 6 teammates that has a public profile…

Just to be clear…I’m not against OB…I think that AS IS…it’s pretty useless…and what people do with it is even more useless…and yes blizz is partly responsible because they don’t provide the tools themselves

Sombra is OP please nerf!!!

Oh no, Sombra is hot garbage, let me show… Oh wait, all our stats are gone.


Get rid of default private accounts, Make Overbuff Great Again


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If you’re hoping to have a goal of balance, then knowing a hero is soaring in pick rates is indicative of its balance state. You can interpret that as a hero needing nerfs or heroes around them needing changes.

The information presented isn’t a free simple hard cut answer.

Cool, I try that when we get it.

Overbuff demonstrated pretty clearly the state of Hog and Genji. Even if one accounts for inaccuracies, outliers that high aren’t normal and indicate problems. That’s not useless. If you don’t think heroes having 100% pick rates is useful information then okay, I find it useful.


Useful to blizz maybe…to a player? To you an me? What can you do with that info?

I can know Hog and Genji were OP and needed to be nerfed, as Genji was and Hog probably will be.

You can keep asking “why?” until we’re asking the meaning of the universe. There is no why, the point is to have more information, so we can have educated opinions, understand the game better and that’s it.


you need OB to tell you that?..cause its pretty obvious in game when someone is too strong…both playing with and against

i dont want to hear that (random name) pharah is a weak hero when the enemy pharah is completely dominating my dps line…or that i should use (random name) mccree instead because he had a marginally higher pickrate in GM this week…like people will sit here (and in game over the years) and argue over how a .3% difference in pickrate is supposed to mean something…like come on

its great for arguments sake…in fact it would be a devastating loss for the forums…but for the game?..doesnt really help in any meaningful way

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