Get rid of mystery heroes please

the forums hath spoketh!!! it stays! :stuck_out_tongue:

now about that hero stackingā€¦

Honestly, either have ALL arcade modes permanent, or have 4 slots that rotate weekly and 1 that rotates daily (yes, that includes MHā€™s slot). Itā€™s been 10 days since Total Mayhem was last in the arcade and there are a few of other gamemodes that havenā€™t been in rotation for even longer, so itā€™s only fair that MH also rotates.

Either that or let MH be a regular mode out of the arcade so you can have 4 slots that rotate weekly and 1 slot that rotates daily (or 3 weekly and 2 daily).

i like the latter suggestionā€¦in factā€¦lets just replace QP with itā€¦

ā€œits just MHā€ sounds less aggravating dont you think?


Iā€™ve played MH a bit when Total Mayhem or No Limits arenā€™t around, and itā€™s really chill, no question. Itā€™s just that Iā€™m kinda fed up with MH taking up an entire slot when itā€™s permanent. Like, it could be outside the arcade and almost everyone would benefit.

Yes but then those that play MH to do their Arcades weekly challenges would be forced to play other modes that they donā€™t enjoy at all to finish their weekly challenges. For me ALL the other game modes besides 3v3 or 6v6 elimination and MH are complete garbage. The best thing they could do it maybe open up 1 more spot in the arcade for another rotating mode. But getting rid of MH from arcades would be a huge mistake, it is the only game mode that is the most balanced besides elimination.

I love mystery heroes so no, but i want more capture the flag in arcadeā€¦itā€™s never therešŸ˜¢

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Mystery heroes is the most active arcade mode! Itā€™s not going anywhere!
Not every arcade mode is going to feel fun for everyone. Personally I love mystery heroes and I despise CTF and total mayhem!

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O.Oā€¦will you marry me?

Yep, considering itā€™s also not too mysterious (getting heroes that you have lowest hours on being the consistent, whereas heroes you have the most hours on are never picked for some reason)ā€¦mysterious should be randomā€¦

Thatā€™s never how it is for me. I believe Lucio is my second or third most played in MH and is my most played overall. Doomfist is my least played on both (being because I pretty much always die instantly with him).

If they balanced it a bit more Iā€™d be happy that it was permanent. I can only stand to play a few rounds of it before it gets way too annoying.
I always come back to this mode bc itā€™s my favorite in the arcade, but with things like 2+ of the same hero on a team and how you lose ult charge when you die, it gets pretty unbearable to play sometimes imo

Yea, fair enough, I do have to admit that I did get bored of the Uprising and retribution modes about 2 weeks into the event. :joy:

No limits my friend.

You mean 6-stack-mode? Who woudl do this to themselves?

Me and fellow meme-lords who choose to go all winston and jump on the the same enemy (Really fun btw)

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Iā€™d rather have No Limits as the permanent mode, Mystery heroes is too RNG

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the best would be adding all of the gametypes in arcade so you could play anything anytime


Please donā€™t! My go-to game mode when Iā€™m not up for comp. Itā€™s fun, exciting, and a great pressure free way to collect experience with characters youā€™ve never really played/never considered playing before.

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I love playing it Just seeing the odd comps it comes up with which sometime work. Most of the time if a team gets 2 Torbs, 2 Meis, or 2 Mercyā€™s it can be pretty hard to counter, but that is the fun of the mode.


Mystery hero is very popular. I also enjoy playing it ~weekly for lootboxes. Other than that, I stay in AI mode since I stop playing QP for a long time. I do wish there was a ā€˜?ā€™ hero selection in AI Training mode when I donā€™t really feel like picking a hero, which is why I like Mystery Hero.