Get rid of mystery heroes please

Mystery heroes has been there for too long and there should be another game mode to take its place.


That’s my favorite arcade mode!


How else can I inflict myself on the playerbase ingame? Think of the captive audience!

I know that it is extremely popular, but it has been there forever. D:


It’s popuar enough that Blizzard decided to keep it permanent.


I guess “don’t play it” makes too much sense


Let’s not

There’s a reason it’s permanent. There is no “give others a turn” type reason to replace a permanent slot.


Well then. I see this is a very unpopular opinion, but it is my opinion and I do not care what anyone else thinks. I just think it has been there for too long.


Also a really good introductory game mode for those new to the game. It forces them to try everyone rather than easily become a one-trick.


I’m not saying to get rid of it permanently, all I’m saying is that it has been there for too long.

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agreed. it should be regul;ated like the other game modes that rotate weekly. AND the big button with the comp mode should be a normal size button as well so that an additional rotating game mode can be up as well. arcade stinks so badly over the last three weeks that possibly an additional mode could be nice …


Take this as a dislike. Mystery is a great mode and deserves to be permanent.

With mystery there are no arguments about picks, you get to play heroes you don’t often play and you aren’t guaranteed to be hard-countered. You can get matchups and experiences you will find in no other game mode.


There needs to be more variety in Arcade in general. It’s always 2 or 3 death match/elimination mode, along with Mayhem or CTF.

What happened to All Soldier, Low Gravity, 5 Reins and Lucio, and other game modes?


I’m not opposed to anyone’s opinion on MH they are all great reasons and responses. I just think it should be rotated and give certain game modes a fair chance.

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no fun allowed, per blizzard

It’s like the only mode I play besides QP… why do we have to get rid of it? Why not make it it’s own game mode and take it out of arcade… and I dunno add more arcade modes? I still think we should be able to endorse other players in mystery heroes too, but thats another discussion.


I group up most of the time that I play Overwatch, but if I’m going solo, I’m playing mystery heroes, and only mystery heroes.


Because it’s far less frustrating to have RNG to blame for a painful loss than the five other people, all of whom pick a single DPS character and refuse to swap, no matter what.


Its your opinion.

But in our opinion we want it to stay right where it is. I’m glad its a permamode.

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I 1 trick yet enjoy this mode as its fun to mess around in when i don’t feel like playing Junkrat and don’t know who I want to play.

That’s a large reason why I enjoy it because it forces me to play heroes I’m horrible at. I’m not completely horrible on Roadhog anymore and sometimes surprise myself when I make it through most a match on him without dying. I’ve had some pretty decent widow plays when I’m not a sniper at all and wouldn’t say I’m good at sniping either.