Get rid of Medals please

I think medals should be implemented based on all 12 players in the game not just 6 & 6. If no one has a medal on your team (or sees a rank like 7/12) then at least they will know your team isn’t doing as well as they think. That doesn’t necessarily solve the elitist “I’m top damage” mentality, but it does show that something might need to change. In the very least, you’ll stop hearing “I have gold damage” when your team isn’t doing any damage to begin with.


You’re missing the point. You’re going to have more toxic people from this. The only way this changes if we as a community start calling people out for not focusing on themselves and reporting them for being toxic to other people. The community needs to change before the game needs to change.

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I want to add, I am 100% for a scoreboard. I’d love to see how I compare to my equal on the other team. I want to see how I improve and metrics for where I am failing to do better. I just don’t think the community is ready for that feature.


I would argue that you’re going to have more toxicity the more you confuse and limit people. The less information people have to go on, the less rational their conclusions will be.

You’re saying that the win condition for a game is shown in stats. That’s just simply untrue. As I pointed out above a good example of why that is not true.

Nah, no information is better than misinformation.

Accurate scoreboards wold be great, but nothing at all is better tan what we have.


So what about what I suggested earlier? Just a team leaderboard with no individual stats? It shows all the relevant statistics by the team as a whole versus the other team’s statistics. That way you can’t look at it and say “Look our junkrat isn’t getting enough elims!” it’s “How can we secure kills better?”

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Depends on what the “relevant statistics” are. I personally don’t think that sounds that useful, since people won’t really have a context to know what is low or high, but without seeing it, I can’t judge.

Mostly, I ignore medals and just try to figure out what I cold have done better. The real function medals do for me is to show me who the people are in voice chat who can’t take responsibility for themselves, because those will be the people talking about them.

Fully recognizing that when I have gold damage or healing on Zen, I usually bring it up, because I have seen the enemy and he is me :slight_smile:

I especially liked the stat sheet they use for PvE events. If we could get a more detailed sheet that’d be nice. If people stop to check or take time out of playing then it might be counter productive. Maybe a halftime stat sheet?

I am not sure how that would play out. I’d love to see more personal stats shown to you, like, damage received in a game. There are stats in the game that are just extremely bad stats but look like good stats, for example, damage blocked. A high damage blocked is a BAD number, not good.

The information on a scoreboard needs to be in context, and it’s extremely difficult in a team game to provide context. For each role to do a good job, you need help from your teammates to do so.

A good example, I played against a really good roadhog yesterday who was very good at landing accurate hooks, but also pathing with flanking in a way people didn’t know he was there. He was out of most team fights, but would land a clutch hook, get a kill and find a new angle or push with his team. His damage stats would be low due to that, but his impact on the game was high.

Most people do not understand the game. I can tell when someone is doing their job by their positioning, angles, and the targets they focus. In addition, if you want to see if they are outputting good damage from a DPS perspective or tank perspective, look at their ult charge when a team fight is done. I’ve seen everyone be near 90% and one dps at 25%. Then the question is, what happened and how can we enable him to be in the game? Turns out, he’s being sniped quite easily. So we adjusted our pathing to limit the snipers angles, and his ult charge quickly jumped.

Context and team play is everything in overwatch. It’s def more important than mechanical ability. I got into diamond my first time on PC moving from Xbox with 10 - 20% less accuracy than on Xbox. I was way worse mechanically, but I understood the game at a high diamond level. So I could enable my team to win.

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I can’t believe we’re still dealing with this!! PLEASE REMOVE MEDALS!! I mean, ideally, I want REAL STATS but even if we can’t get that, just at least remove medals. They are nonsense, all they do is cause toxicity.

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Medals arn’t good but they’re also no worthless. People just put too much stock into them instead of looking at how the fight was engaged. Tanks claiming they have gold damage is bad when they’re dps are playing low damage heroes doesn’t mean the DPS are doing bad.

I could go on but that seems to be the biggest consistent issue I hear in my games regarding medals is “I have gold damage and we’re losing so it’s your fault” VS “Well i have gold elims and we’re losing so it’s your fault.”

Most times that I’m seeing fights are lost is simply because one or two players goes of to do their own thing away from the team and it fails miserably. And where full games are lost is where said player(s) keep doing their own thing and outright refuse to try and coordinate ANY of their actions with the other members of the team.

To be Frank, that poor teamwork AKA I’m the one man carry shenanigans is what makes losing feel so bad imho. if we lost cause we simply were outplayed strategically or mechanically it hurts but it doesn’t make me punch my desk. But when we’re not even in the fight because someone refuses to work as a team member and feeds, then i punch the desk in frustration :confused:

honestly just remove the medals, they cause toxicity and nothing else.
They’re there to make people think they are doing good when they aren’t. Actually the whole game is designed to make you think you are better than you are, that’s why there are so many entitled players that say “i’m stuck due to bad teammates”.


I wouldn’t call people out… they will ban you for that. I got suspended for telling a team to f off, after they spent the 10+minutes of the match bullying and racially abusing me. When I appealed (a completely pointless exercise), they said because I told them to f off I was just as bad as them. Their advice was to just ignore racial abuse.

Thats retarded for so many reasons but by far is that you can’t see others medals till AFTER the game if AT all and ONLY 4 players anf only the best… so your point is completely nothing and moot. Are you actually stupid?

I agree. Imagine if you couldn’t compare your SR to the stack? We all know there is a Min/Max SR. Remove the Min/Max and just have the number and the number then becomes completely pointless. It represents nothing at that point. So why even have it?

  1. Way to be ableist, my dude.

  2. I can see my own medals and that helps give me a bearing on where the team is lacking because I know where I’m performing.

I used a generic term, what I meant was, ask them to stop in the game. Report them in the game.

It’s nice getting gold healing as Roadhog tho

No you don’t. I usually have bronze or silver, sometimes gold DMG as zenyatta. That does not mean “OuR DpS Is TrASh” it just means I’m spamming tanks. I almost never have gold healing, does that mean that our mercy is a better player? Even if she is glued to the back of our hog and I have to try and heal everyone else? She got gold healing, she must be doing it right…