Get mauga out of the game already

Bruv, I can take them down with Ana like a hot knife through butter… Take a break, have a hot pocket and come back when you’re cooled off

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any heroes with the effective range above 20m is already a counter to Mauga, it doesnt need to be Ana.

That’s crazy so you try to kill a 650 health hero as Ana?

While Ana’s nading, Kiriko’s cleansing, Zenn is discording, Bap is lamping, Lucio’s checking his twitter feed, Mercy’s baking an apple pie…

What are you doing?


lmao Ana would unironically win a 1v1 with Mauga easily

Lol. No she would not. She can not cleanse his dot and he can counter sleep. But shes getting knocked around and gunned down.

Honestly, kiri is more of a problem.

Honestly Lucio is more of a problem.

I mean come on guys we’ve had a witchhunt vs every support for months now it’s time this little guy get his entire kit gutted and the entire game with be fixed.

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Mauga would be half health before he even reach Ana. Overrun doesnt make him immune to damages. Just play around corners, only use nade and sleep deffensively and there’s literally nothing Mauga can do.

They made another hero weak to flying heroes. He can’t do anything if he can’t hit the target : /

especially reaper with bastion being paired. I just played against that as mauga and I couldn’t do anything so i left the game lol. He’s completely unplayable if youre team isn’t coordinated in the slightest

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lmai he is so weak its unreal

imo Mauga isn’t even fun, just holding down mouse buttons all the time, charging in sometimes and use your E once in a while

As a Zen main i love playing against Mauga. 25% dmg buff by discord, decent teammates and he’s done within seconds.
It’s like playing against hog but with no risk of getting hooked.

Uh… ROADHOG? You forgot about Mr. Pig!

he finally has a purpose im so happy

Comedy gold.

I have found the guy who didn’t play him nor have read the tutorial.

from my limited experience, he’s powerful, right up until he faces an Ana, or the healers look away for 2 seconds while he gets focussed.

While he can heal himself, it’s not enough a lot of the time to keep him up by itself if he has anything remotely high damage focussing him, and with the damage he does, he’s considered a big threat so is often the focus. Both of those together mean that if Ana lands an anti-nade, you mostly die.

That usually shows that it’s match up dependend

I cannot fathom how people are complaining that they are giving us a test period for a new hero. If you think the hero is broken, then you should be happy this test weekend is happening! It will give the devs feedback, to hopefully make him more balanced when he’s released. After he’s released, we’ll have to wait weeks for any meaningful balance tweaks on him.

Also, if you want to play without him in your games, just play comp, he’s not in that mode (obviously).

that is honestly quite toxic its stuff liek this is causing the game to go into the firey depths of hell

He end the Doom Fist pandemic why hate him?