Geoff talks about possible Mercy buffs/changes

I don’t think there’s much hope for heal buffs etc, as her healing has been nerfed/buffed a few times.

I’d rather some small QoL changes to set her right.

For instance, small Valk buff:

  • Mercy can now heal and Rez simultaneously in Valkyrie

So instead of losing possibly 120hp of heals in Ult on someone,while Rezzing, you can do both!

(This comes after his recent comment on the forums about maybe looking at Dmg boost)


This is anything but small.


It’s not like it’s that big either. With Lucio changes I doubt many Mercy players will be able to rez in valk anyway.


You can now switch “GA prefers beam target” on and off at will.
Huge buff for people playing Mercy in diamond and above (where she kinda needs all the help she can get) and below that people wouldn’t even notice. Raises her skill celing by adding even more depth to her mobility. Could be maybe bound to the interact key?

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If i recall correctly, the dev’s reasoning on one of the Valkyrie nerfs was that they did not wanted people thinking resurrection was an ultimate or part of an ultimate. It seems kinda redundant for them to explain their philosophy on Valkyrie then contradict themselves by doing it anyways.

I am a strong believer that adding some type of overheal ability would be a better solution to Mercy’s skill expression issue as it fixes

A) the issue that is that permanent 50hps feels too weak vs focus fire and the feel that permanent 60hps is too strong vs focus fire and

B) the fact it adds a cooldown management layer to her kit, rewarding teams for baiting the ability during a push and rewarding Mercy players for timing it properly and

C) Overheal can be added to Valkyrie’s main healing beam while the split beams remains the same, addressing the complaints about Valkyrie being too easy.

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Not really sure how it’s a huge buff at all.

She’s already receiving a nerf now that she can be easily booped off Rez in Valk, so having the chance every 30 secs(if you have Valk simultaneously) to be able to heal and rez for 2 secs is both a compensation and small buff

So basically they want Mercy to be a heal/Dmg boost bot, and her most powerful ability, rez to be a side thought?

And even so, Rez ISNT am Ult ability anymore, it’s a CD. Valkyrie is the ultimate, an ultimate that supposedly enhances “all” her abilities, yet not rez?

This is why I really want 55 hps cuz I feel like its an achievable middle ground!


I’ve honestly never understood why Mercy is completely locked out of her kit while resurrecting. At least give her the ability to continue healing or use the pistol to defend her position.

I’d like to see another rework, but if they can give her some QoL improvements it’ll be a little less frustrating to play as Mercy at least. The fact they’ve said on a number of occasions that Mercy is fine, and then either generally continue to nerf her or now are considering to buff her just shows how trash the rework is (a rework they refuse to accept was a partial failure).


They still experimenting on this hero? Sheesh for 2 years straight they’ve been tweaking Mercy more than any hero besides When will other heroes who needs the tweaking get that sort of treatment. We already know Tracer and Genji are prohibit from it while Bastion and Orisa got cobwebs over their lever.

Where did geoff say this?

Well Mass Rez mercy was left relatively alone… then they dropped the bomb of a rework and it’s been nerf after nerf after nerf. It’s realy not the attention you want for other heroes.

Stop trying to make mercy overpowered again geez. Just think about what you suggested. Being able to heal and resurrect at the same time in ultimate form is beyond broken. Not only is she bring someone back to life but stopping someone else from dying while doing it.

When Mercy resurrects she calls it out that she going for the resurrect so other players on her team know she needs protecting. You’re removing teamwork from the game again.

I can go on and on about what’s wrong with your suggestion.

And Mercy is Fine.


I’d prefer it if GA gave a small heal to Mercy’s GA target. That way they can raise her total healing output, but since it’s on GA, you have to be willing to fly closer to someone who’s actively taking damage, making Mercy a bit more risky.

The least they could do is FIX this:

When you guardian angel towards a dead team mate while in Valkyrie, intending to rez them, you instead land 32 feet past them as it’s slippery somehow while in-air and your rez cancels because you go out of range

“Overpowered” cause she can do 60hps on a target and Rez for 2 secs in an ULTIMATE?

And how is there not teamwork still? The mercy isn’t receiving any more from this buff, only her team will. Meaning they can coordinate more successfully to aid her Rez.

He did say anything like this at all.

I can’t post pictures but I’ll link a tweet of a screenshot of it

See above

True, but it just shows they have no clue on what they want to do with her. Why does she keep needing nerf? What’s in her kit that’s better than other healers? Is it the resurrect? Remove it, but then she’ll be like Symmetra. A shell of what she truly used to be.

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Geoff seemed to indicate that a healing buff was possible. Hps is the dial that most effectively manages Mercy’s power level, so I wouldn’t discount this possibility at all.

Furthermore, I think that a little bit more healing is all she needs to be relevant again. This would be a good thing for everyone, since a relevant Mercy is the best predictor of a meta with dps heroes in it.

I would rather not see res buffed at all. There’s too much of a history of res destabilizing the game.

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