Geoff appreciation thread

If the objective of Junkrat’s projectile size nerf was to increase his skill cap, but instead all it did was increase his RNG, and the objective of Junkrat’s damage buff was to punish barriers and tanks, but instead all it did was one shot 200hp heroes, then would you consider increasing Junkrat’s projectile speed (~25m/s) so that players can actually aim with his weapon and score direct shots in order to express their skill and make the weapon “fair” for everyone?

One of the reasons I think the design team has failed with the “Anti-Tank” DPS buffs is because those characters aren’t generally good enough to be played on defense vs a 2/2/2 composition, when all the enemy team has to do is scout the Junkrat and go back into their spawn and switch off of GOATS. On KOTH, rolling out with a Reaper, Junkrat or Mei is a huge risk, because either you guessed correctly or you have to go back to spawn, switch off and either concede position or control. Characters need to be more generally playable in addition to specializing at a particular function within the game, most of the DPS that are at the bottom tiers are there because they are too binary of a design.

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Honestly, I have no interest in long-standing support in other games (17 years I play online, I’m 41 years old), a rework at his damage boost.
As pointed out animetic and azrael (but also others of how they ask a buff to his hps), the problem of mercy that does not give damage or kill to his team, therefore his healing average is the only thing he has .
I honestly do not understand the concept of statistics when objectively with mercy you can not “save” no tank or dps has a burst too low healing.
Mercy must return to 60 hps otherwise he will die slowly in game.
The nerf was a mistake, mercy after the nerf of January 2018 was not oppressive, but was favored by the meta of that period (double sniper) and after the buff to ana (now she is oppressive) the nerf at 50 hps was not necessary.
Also with the arrival of baptiste, his situation will be even more difficult.
I play all the supports of the game, I see the difference of burst healing, mercy has a ridiculous burst healing in relation to the damage of the game, always if you want to keep it as main support. If you decide to make it become off support you have to change the ultimate.
Moreover: valkyria must be eliminated (ultimate ridiculous).

Sorry my bad english


It’s not really a Blizzard issue they can’t ask Sony or Microsoft to stop making profile with a patch hardware. If they try I’m sure they will answer a no.

Hello Geoff! I am a console player and I really want to know if there will be some changes to deal with smurfs? Comp is really broken (PS4), every match with boosters, because they can create unlimited accounts with one copy of game. May be devs can up minimum lvl of accessing to comp from 25 to 100-150 (for consoles)?

Why they need to ask Microsoft and Sony to change this, while Blizz can fix it in there own game? Smurfs on QP is okay for me, but booster/smurfs in comp is dead end. If they just up min lvl of accessing to comp from 25 to 150 it will delay the problem, I agree with that, but if reports for boosters will work, they need to up another acc to 150 again. It will take so much time for them and they will give up someday.

I think something could be done to Resurrect rather, because it eats up so much of her power budget. In retrospect do you feel it took away the aspect of hiding or reinforced it? Right now it has counterplay but I often feel I have to potentially let others die in order to being just one person back whereas right now Baptiste can
stop the death altogether without a cast time,
2/3rds of cooldown,
the drone having more hp than Mercy and not having a head hitbox
being able to be used just to save himself potentially.

Do you think there is a way to maybe change or remove resurrect?

AT the very least, maybe allow it to be cancelled to make her gameplay more fluid?

Deadeye is the other cast time heavy slow ability I can think of and it can be cancelled manually.

The best thing to make her more fluid is to remove resurrect since I dont see a way around removing its cast time or slow.

But at the very least I think it should be able to be cancelled.


I wish I lived for this omg xD

I don’t agree with that at all, she’s about worthless outside of goats right now.


Would you say playing Symmetra feels similar to playing Zarya or Pharah? I wouldn’t. There’s always gonna be some similarities between heroes when you have 30 of them in a game, but that doesn’t mean Torb isn’t different from Doomfist just because they both have shotgun type weapons and Lucio isn’t different from Genji just because they both have three round projectiles as their primary fire.

I’m waiting for attention on Pharah’s situation, come look at my mega thread, where i explain why she’s in a bad spot for a long time now and how it could change

I hope that the aim for this game is to bring its heroes to a solid base without the need to actively shift the meta in favor of some in order to spice the game up (as other games are doing).

That said. I’d like to ask then what your general plans are for Brigitte, I really like the Paladin archetype in every game and she has been one of my favorite character around and I’d like to have it not relegated in the GOATS meta.

About Hanzo, I really liked the rework but I feel that what mostly altered his “diversity” was the removal of Scatter Arrow entirely as a mechanic. Being able to juggle with the map is something that makes a hero feel unique and skilled outside of his basic kit. I’d really much like to see a new incarnation of Scatter (as additional skill, maybe on his alternate fire with some CD) even with its damage gutted to a total of 150-180 damage.

I mean, I generally agree, and I wish they’d do that, but I highly doubt it. So yeah, anything at this point to make her less clunky. Anything.

Mccree has to land headshots to do so, which is much harder to do than just landing a bodyshot as Junkrat. Landing bodyshots as Mccree only does 105 damage, which needless to say isn’t a one shot. Furthermore Mccree has damage falloff, so if he’s not basically right next to you, even Nano headshots don’t oneshot, and you can use stuff like cover or barriers to be completely safe from him, while Junkrat can lob his grenades over the barrier or bounce them around corners or into cover.

If you tested out Junkrat with 140 damage grenades on the PTR you’d know how crazy powerful that felt, it was definitely overtuned. He’s still getting a pretty significant buff, let’s see if that’s enough to make him more viable.

The hanzo changes went far off the mark as well

The only drawback he had was MOBILITY

Yes he could OS a 200hp character, but he had to load his arrows and he wasn’t that mobile. Adding the jump on his kit to make him better against dive characters is unfair.
When Doomfist was pretty against him and dive him, he’s no more cause of that single jump that displace him while suffering upercut

I really hate your changes that completely the balance power between heroes initially, like it did between Hanzo/Pharah interactions
The increase of arrows speed completely unbalanced him against Pharah. He’s now better at dealing against her than he was before

I think a way to increase her healing without just completely breaking it while promoting more use of DMG beam could be a new Passive, that temporarily increases the healing beam on a target she hasn’t healed for a few seconds and then slowly ramps down during the heal.
It would give her potential to maybe save someone (for example a winston diving your Zen in the backline, you haven’t healed him in a while but manage to reach him in time so the passive would activate giving her like for example 70HP/s for a short time, enough to save the Zen from dying but not to sustain him permanently as it would gradually go back to 50.
With something like that she can heal up low allies quicker and with less need for the healing, is free to damage boost more often.


I remember the day threads insulting Ser Geoff were a thing. And were meant to be a “way” to (supposedly) fire him and get the balance changes some people wanted. It feels good to see our community grew up a bit. And that these trolls are out now.

Thanks Geoff. You’re doing great and we love you.

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Wow this is really good and sensible. Especially the reaper thing. Thanks, Geoff.

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This just made my day

Dang I had an idea like this if Sanjay ever became a hero!

Some sort of prism barrier that doesn’t block damage but it does distort the view through it, making allies either invisible or hard to shoot at.

(I kinda imagine it like in the Doctor Strange movie when they would enter the mirror dimension and the space kinda looks like a cracked mirror)