Geoff appreciation thread

If it’s alright with you, mind if I just modify this question of yours a slight amount? My modification isn’t as much as you might think.

Perhaps this might just be my opinion, but I would modify it to, "Why have you guys abandoned Console in general?"

I know that Geoff manages balance, but the fact that they don’t even respond to Console issues is a bigger concern in my humble opinion. And while I can’t speak for others on this, I can say that it’s partially the reason why I haven’t really touched OW in a long time, even despite being able to play it on PC now. It’s the fact that I can relate to Console Players in this front that has amplified my bitterness in their lack of communication to the Console playerbase.

With that in mind:

Geoff, can you answer the question that I’ve posted above please? Why have you guys abandoned Console in general? Not just in terms of separate balance, but in regards to other issues as well. I’m not arguing against the fact that patches take time to release because of Sony/MS certs. But with the lack of communication that I’ve seen from you guys with regards to issues on the Console versions of the game, I feel like you guys are not treating your Console playerbase the same as your PC playerbase.

Surely you guys on the Overwatch Team have seen this thread by now; haven’t you?