"Genji was so bad before"

Isn’t C tier literally middle of the pack tho


Give and take…some people consider tiers to be a separate issue to like
…line ups.

but I agree tho


Genji needs nerfs, but you all really shouldn’t call for buffs/nerfs solely based on stats or what others can do with the hero. Play the hero yourself, see how much values you can get with how much efforts you put in, then compare it to the effort it takes to shut a hero down, then you can judge.

Everyone judges Moira because she is the lowest entry level hero, she is accessible for every mains… Genji, on the other hands, still requires heavy input from the players, no one gonna teamwipe with blade with easy while only having a dozens of hours of Genji’s playtime.


It reminds me of Mages in WoW who sit on the top so much that any change that brought them down a bit just was a world ending nerf that destroyed the class.

Genji was never bad even at his worst. Go ask the actual heroes in a bad spot what that feels like,


He didn’t get 4 big buffs though and really only 2 of them were impactful. +2 damage and spread reduced from 12 to 9 (whatever that means)

What? Why wouldn’t I use the stats that directly come from pretty much every overwatch game played? It makes no sense to balance around personal experience. Some people can get teamwipes with blade no sweat, but not be able to shut down a blade, while others can do the opposite. It makes no sense to balance around my own personal experience instead of gamewide, or at least rank wide, data that is provided directly from the game.


This makes no sense.

I am quite nifty with soldier. I don’t think he needs nerfs.

I wasn’t good with genji until now. Suddenly, it doesn’t matter what I do. I will* get the murders.

Know who I can’t climb on? Junkrat. In fact, it seems like most people can’t. He was lower than genji has ever been.

Where is my junkrat meta? I can’t use him so clearly he needs to be buffed until I can.


The cancelable deflect makes Genji way more unpredictable now, it used to be that you know exactly when deflect ends, but now it’s entirely in Genji’s hands if they can use it well or not, and the person they’re fighting has no idea what will happen and when because of it.


no b tier is… b tier is the character are useful and use for counter … genji as a character was not use for countering he was use to dive / flank

Because it will help you understand how and why things are buffed/nerfed. Stats alone won’t tell you why the devs hesitate to buff/nerf certain heroes, because part of it is based on their fun factor/their skill floor ect. If you yourself don’t have the skill to abuse a broken hero while others can, doesn’t it mean the balance works as intended and help differentiate player’s levels?

I do say Genji needs nerfs, but it is based on both stats and my ability to abuse him, not because I’m jealous of what others can do with him

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let me put it to you this way… maybe genji wasn’t bad but all ik was

every hitscan was picked over him and we play in a cc / double shield meta and dps don’t dps unless its a 1 shot or 3 shot to kill

basically dps job was to break shields

You miss the Jakerat area like 2, 3 years ago. And it proved that absolutely no one wanted to play the game where Junk is viable every where

I’m not saying Genji doesn’t need nerfs, I’m saying you need at least some experience playing the hero to understand what makes him stick. You said it yourself, youu are a good soldier with necessary skills to abuse a broken hero, you are not some clueless holding M1 mains who cry wolf

Actually it proved that the usual vocal streamers/content creators and their viewers didn’t like it.

You know, the same people the devs have been listening to for years. The same people who are responsible for the massive imbalance in the game now.


It proved nothing. He was meta. No one likes any meta pick. That’s why you have genji hate even though he was considered fine right before.

Latest example is Ashe who was the forum dps monster until genji got buffed. Ashe wasn’t nerfed since she was top. It’s just that genji is top. People don’t like heroes shooting up.

Genji has significantly shot up. Of course people won’t like it

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At least they have majority agreeing with them. Junkrat with his chaotic and spammy nature is not fit to be the top of Meta

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The current state of the game and huge drop in playerbase disagrees with the idea that their suggestions have had the majority agreeing with them.

You’re missing the point of balance. No hero should be top of the meta. That’s imbalance.


Being an average/mid tier pick in GM while being one of the hardest heroes to master is the definition of being pretty bad. If you have to put in twice the effort for the same value then the hero is undertuned. He needed buffs, just not all the ones he got

He should definitely be more lethal than others in terms of short-mid range burst. That’s his design. Quick kills & dash resets. His weakness is his lack of consistent ranged damage

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Except that hardest to master isn’t hardest to use.

And idk why it’s considered bad when the heroes above him, are heroes like Ashe and McCree and widow .

Genji wasn’t losing out to so called ez heroes like junkrat. He was losing to the skill queen McCree.

And he was? He wasn’t below symm. Mei was already nerfed by the time his buffs went live.

He was lethal in his niche. And outside of it…it’s why he was mid tier. He could do his job and more if handled right. But this is a world of hitscan and range when it comes to what is most reliable. That’s not genjis fault, but it doesn’t mean it warranted buffs.


He needed buffs, just not as many as he got. He’ll be toned down by next week from what we’ve heard

genji is a breakpoint character, if you give him a hand he’ll take the whole arm.
that’s just the nature of how his dash resets work.

it’s a domino effect.