Genji ult is useless

its sadly became meme, everytime i see Genji ult, he gets absolutely destroyed and abused haha. It is terrible now.

No, a genji doesnt need insane skill to kill a moira. A genji needs the ability to track cooldowns (yk, skill) so he can time a good time to kill a moira when she’s on all cool downs. This goes with ana aswell. Wait for her to use sleep and then ult.

Again, keep track of ability usage. Also if you get skill orbed while ulting, you’re ulting on low HP and thats just a skill issue.

You’re acting like moira hasn’t been in the game since 2017. Moira v Genji didn’t appear out of no where, players who dont know how to deal with counters appeared. Learning how to deal with counters doesn’t happen anymore, it’s been replaced with people complaining about counters existing. Counters exist to try to balance the game (im not saying this works). Maybe instead of complaining how other people chose to play the GAME, get better.