Genji ult is useless

Almost every support has a “press button, disappear” ability.

Back when ana had to be actually good to hit a sleep and shut down blade, now we just have turn-based hero pressing abilities randomly and getting rewarded for it.

I 100% believe supports should have survivability, but when he survivability is just press button without even knowing where the genji is and then pressing another ability, hoping it kills the genji, boops the genji, etc. it WILL lead to counter picking.

If the expectation of skill in two hero match ups is extremely unbalanced, for example:

To bear a moira, genji needs to have an inhuman accuracy level
In comparison, moira might not even need to know where genji is, all she has to do is press buttons and run and throw orbs and hope it does something.

There is a clear massive gap of expectation between the two. So of course genji will be less picked, people will go soujour cass because its just easier ttk on them.

In the past, you could play ana into genji, genji into ana, the better player would win.

Now you can play moira into genji, but only the best insane necros level genji who has no life and spent 1000 hours wins against a moira.

Notice how there is 0 expectation from moira to improve gamesense, mechanics (no need for them). You just kind of play neutrally and spam abilities, hold right click.

If you want to keep overwatch competitive, make heroes that require usage of common sense, game sense, mechanics.

Reinhardt and Winston for example are heroes that require game sense more than mechanics. If you make a hero like moira, make sure it requires at least some punishable characteristics and give abilities that are not based on RNG.

Let’s take a look at the board…

And the survey says…


Ooh, that’s rough. Here’s your consolation price. Best of luck next time.


yes, quite literally what i described in the post. The lack of skill required to play certain characters leading to counterpicking.

Moira is a need for some people because they cannot play ana, a hero that requires both positioning and mechanics.

They should stop making heroes to fill the void for player’s lack of skill, which is by design, moira

No, he doesn’t.

So first off: Genji always has the option of just… Not trying to fight her with all her cooldowns up. Supports don’t exactly have this luxury.

Second off, the matchup isn’t that Moira favored. It’s closer to a skill check than it is “inhuman accuracy”

Despite that he’s still one of the most picked DPS in the game.

As an aside, I don’t get why Genji posting is always so far off from the reality of where he’s at.



It is not Genji’s job to 1v1 a Moira in isolation. If he does, he deserves to die.

Every situation outside of that, he has a better chance of doing more to her than she can to him.


It’s a one-sided skill check. There is absolutely no skill check for Moira in this match-up, which is quite literally why counter-picking exists. Maybe if moira required any brain power to play or at least some level of mechanics, you can call this a skill match up.

And secondly, genji is a dive hero. Telling a dive hero to just not dive is not how the game works.

As an aside, genji is absolutely not the most picked DPS in the game. I don’t know where you’re inventing your own stats. Just go on overbuff and compare the winrate and pickrate of genji vs moira.

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Moira is needed because sometimes the supports keep getting dived by the enemy and their dps aren’t helping.
An ana can’t escape that, but a moira can.

Moira wouldn’t be needed if there weren’t any hyper mobile characters like genji, tracer, dva, venture, doomfist etc.

She’s also one of the top 4 most popular support picks right now, because those top 4 are the only viable ones for healing.

Play enough support to reach the same elo as your dps. You’ll see why she’s picked.


You just proved my point of why counter picking is a thing.

If a hero’s existence prevents another hero to avoid a certain hero entirely, they should remove battle pass locked heroes.

Genji absolutely should be able to 1v1 a support (literally his job as a flanker).

So if they make a DPS that auto locks on heroes and has a get out jail free card, I’m sure you will tell the supports that its not their job to do their job right?

Mainly just don’t panic and try to strafe or jump to dodge the succ. If she throws orb, use dash or deflect to avoid her burst, and ideally stay as close to her as possible either standing still or matching her movement and click her head.

Moira is a bad design for sure, but the 1v1 is winnable.

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Learn to combo, learn to track cooldowns and learn to work with the team.

What you’re describing is:
I solo dove a support and they should die. Instead they used an escape ability and spend near 3 seconds doing unavoidable damage while, instead of retreating, I decided to be a stubborn idiot and treat my ambush hero like he’s a frontline brawler.

Skill issue, L2P your character better.


That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying not to dive Moira at full HP with all her cooldowns up. Do you try to do that to Mei?

I didn’t say he’s the most picked. I said he’s one of the most picked. There’s a very large difference in those two statements.

You’re twisting my words and I don’t think I’m being unclear in what I’m saying.


Avoiding them in a 1v1 situation isolated is not avoiding that certain hero entirely lol.

Genji also does that for Zenyatta. :person_shrugging:

Considering it’s not a support’s job to 1v1 them and they often don’t try to go out of their way to 1v1 a Genji, sure. i would say that’s fine lol.


And Zenyatta also can’t choose when to go in and doesn’t have get out of jail free cards :melting_face:


The only lock-on that this game has is mercy’s healing beam.

You’re just upset that you got out played by a hero that takes 4 seconds to kill you while a genji could kill her in 2.


Yes, that is what a genji needs to do on top of having an accuracy that I had to train.

Compare this to what moira players have to do, no tracking, no training, literally nothing.

Are you telling me that Genji blade automatically baits those abilities? Sounds pretty good to me.

You’re wasting your breath. I’ve been saying this countless times and no one here seems to care. The devs least of all :man_shrugging:


An ult being traded for an ability with a 6s cooldown is absolutely a horrible trade!

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You’re not supposed to press Q/Y/△ to win. That being said, blade could use something along the lines of reduced dash cd while the ult is running, something like 3 seconds sounds fine to start.

Try playing moira in an aim trainer and then say she doesn’t need to track XD