Genji ult is useless


Nerf genji got it


Genji player discovering that they have to play the same game as the rest of us where counterpicking exists lol


The difference is that zenyatta requires mechanics, positioning, gamesense. None of the needs of a moira player!

And the trade off?
Fixed damage with no crit capability, no passive that allows map traversal like Genji has or the ability to turn some enemy Ultimates into your own.
She’s a basic hero by design and can be easily outmatched by a better player, even a Genji main. Dying to a Moira is more telling of your ability than the design of the game.


Every hero is one of the most picked heroes. That does not at all counter the point I made.

For a competitive game, I can assure you that moira definitely should not be the most picked hero.

Even a moira needs to know how to get the most out of her movement. She needs to know where she’s going even when shr fades backwards.
That takes immense map knowledge and awareness.

A hero as basic as her needs awareness, positioning and most of all gamesense to get any value out of. (Not to mention she stops getting good value around plat)

Try playing her and all these misconceptions would fade.

No, they’re not. Genji sees more play than the majority of the DPS roster.

If Moira really took literally no skill at all, every Moira would be the exact same rank.

Besides, Moira is only popular in response to dive being strong, as well as Tracer and other flankers being picked in every game even when there isn’t a a dive tank.


I have to admit, the fact that Genji mains reliably post here to cry, makes it all the sweeter when they lose the 1v1. Particularly because players who actually play Moira and understand how she works, know that you absolutely need to respect a Genji.

At least until you know the Genji has no skill. Then you can just chase them down and kill them until they rage quit.


You can make a genji rage quit by solo killing them on mercy a few times. Without using valk XD

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This is false. Even if I entertain this hypothetical, genji ult is useless and that was my original point.

Incorrect, if you duo with 1 good DPS player and you’re lets say plat, you can easily see a climb to master’s which is not even my supposition, there are many such cases. I have seen profiles from gold and plat playing another hero and then suddenly plays moira and is master’s.

Moira can be popular but maybe, just maybe her kit involving anti-dive should require mechanics, positioning, literally the basic thing that even junkrat needs.

Maybe make her orb a heal or damage bomb that needs to be timed and requires decision making? Her right click to be like zarya beam instead? literally that’s all it would take.

It is. It’s just wider while the graphics are thinner.

Honestly, try playing her in 5 games at least. You’ll learn so much from the experience.

They do. “Can i kill this enemy or am i feeding if i don’t use heal?”

You need to know how to bounce them off the geometry to get any value.

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I have played moira and ended masters literally in 1 season. and I am a GM peak on winston with diamond level dps.

I can assure you that I will never be able to be master’s on any other support because I do not have the gamesense or skill to be able to do that, but thanks to moira not requiring either of these I was able to do it.

Not on this account according to your profile.

No moira play time at all. No support rank at all…

So excuse me if i find your claim hard to believe.

If you had actual moira gameplay time, you would know it’s not a lock on beam, that it needs to be tracked. And to win a duel with a dps you have to be better at the game than they are.


It also tends to bait out ults ya know.

I don’t even know where to begin to respond to this, if you don’t think the beam is lock on that means you probably think winston’s aim is really hard to hit

Just had an enemy Genji use a Zarya alt and took out four players on my team yesterday. A skilled Genji knows how to use the tools given to them.


Try it on practice range. Lock it onto an enemy and do a 360. Did the beam stay “locked” like mercy’s would?

If not, it’s not a lock on.


If it’s not lock on, make her like zarya beam. You would agree to that I’m assuming!

It already is a zarya beam. That’s what i’m saying.

If it was a lock on beam it would stay locked onto an enemy regardless of if a second enemy walks through the beam.

But instead it damages the closer enemy instead of being locked onto the first one.
(Also testable in practice range.
Let me know how it went)


I’m sorry you got diffed by a support. At least it’s not Support Sym with her actual lock on beam. Genji mains in 2024 would be unable if actual lock-on damage guns existed. And to address this in advance, Sym turrets a flimsy and pop from a melee attack and can be countered if you sneeze on them.