Genji still destroying supports at will

These answers are valid, coherent explanations and not entirely biased I appreciate it. Not sure if they will nerf him again soon but knowing the history of overwatch he be looked at again.


Do you not see how this explains my point. We could either

A.) Encourage low ranks to peel.

B.) Let Genji be butchered explicitly because people want to play the game wrong.

And you’re okay with option B? Do you not like Overwatch?

Not if its literally ruining the game. I’d rather gatekeep new players myself, literally keep new players from playing the game, than let more horrible balance happen.

I only like the real solution: ignore people complaining about Genji; they are harming your game. Overwatch as a game would improve immensely, and we have seen games ruined because the devs listened to the fanbase too much. The Culling comes to mind.


Yall mad

Im winning even w/the nerfs you cried for ¯_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯


This is the problem, I KNOW say Sombra has been nerfed out of the game. I main her, and she is crazy hard to get value out of now, but I also don’t know how they could get her playable, AND keep the support players.

So I expect she will be reworked, maybe into a support, since hey can’t have played, and her as a tank killer, AND they can’t have her as a dedicated support killer.

But since she has been just reworked, reworking again now wouldn’t have a lot of people who have gotten used to their play style complaining that it is gone. So they should do it quickly.

I think it will be indirect, by making the supports have higher base speed. They won’t WANT to nerf him more, but they are likely to do so in the end, so they will try to find other ways to get supports to queue, and to “even up the fight” in the lower ranks.

I don’t think they will succeed so easily, or at least in a way which won’t have him useless in higher ranks.

The best answer would be “make him ok across the board, without making him heavily picked in low ranks” but, I don’t think you can do that, without dropping double jump from his kit.

But then, he stops being being Genji I think, so Blizzard is painted into a corner.

It will most likely be both direct and indirect, especially if supports get their buff and he isn’t effected by it much.

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This is exactly the future I am expecting.

Well duh, because only like 1% of Genji players were landing tripleheadshot+melee combos on purpose.

I hope to god they don’t nerf genji again because support players are bad.

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They won’t nerf him because support players are bad.

They will nerf him because support players won’t queue, and there is a VERY important distinction there.


You think I can get tanks gigabuffed if I just convince tank players to not play? I don’t think they need to be buffed, but it would REALLY prove my point if I could get the tank role buffed even more just by whining and saying they feel weak.

Let’s see what they decide to do with supports and then go from there, I’m ngl genji is always going to have a higher pick rate. This will only change if he is either a throw pick or replaced. Nerfing him is obviously easier so they will go with that eventually.

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Genji is OK now in my opinion (saying this a support main,)

People don’t leave roles because they SAY it feels weak, they leave if there is a problem.

But IF people leave the tank role in last number, then YES, you will see Blizzard do stuff about it, now we are F2P.

I don’t think you would see Tanks being buffed though, but you WOULD see problem heroes which is causing tank players to not queue to be nerfed out.

Like Sombra and Mei were in OW1. This is the same situation.

Sorry, I didn’t answer. I’m realistic about the chances of option A working.

It won’t. You can’t force the player base to play the way you want them to, without changing the game.

Absolutely baffling that support players are still convincing themselves it’s a problem with Genji and not a problem with their own skill.

If Grandmaster supports can consistently duel & deny value from Grandmaster Genji players, then nothing should be stopping you from doing the same to Genji players at your own rank.

I’ve started to suspect this is a mechanics issue that persists for support players because it’s insanely easy to climb through the low-mid ranks on support without being very adept with using your kit’s offensive functions and instead simply playing ‘safe’ positions and pumping out heals, so a hero like Genji who can access said positions and force duels is the skill check to exactly that.

People need to stop mentally fanning Genji’s kit out and convincing themselves that he’s overpowered, low skill or has a bloated kit to cope with the fact they are getting dominated by Genji players.


Support players not queuing is not something you can blame them into doing.

The problem ISN’T that support players are complaining, the problem is they are not queuing. When asked they say, “too many flankers in every game”

Now, Blizzard can’t ignore this. So what is the fix?

They can’t ignore it, because in the low ranks is where they get new players, which is where they will get most of their money in F2P.

Lack of support players there, not getting and keeping the support players.

Which ALSO means you don’t get and keep the DPS and Tank players, because queue times.

So, if you can find a fix for the actual problem “supports don’t want to queue” then you can have a cookie, or at least convince Blizzard not to nerf Genji again.


they didnt nerf him enough that is if they even actually nerfed him

Have you considered that bad players will be bad and the nerfs will never be enough to them?

People were actually climbing to master/gm form being career silver/gold with Brigitte, with little experience on the hero.

You couldn’t do it with genji no matter which op version of him. It’s not comparable lol.

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I honestly think they will leave her unplayable. They have a lot of DPS heroes and they have historically left some of them absolute trash in favor of making sure the new player experience isn’t ruined.

SO much this.

Support players are not playing because they don’t enjoy the game. People can shout at them to get better all you want. That does nothing to solve the issue.

It isn’t an issue of skill, it’s an issue of engagement. No matter what anyone says, the Genji v.s. Support interaction is WAY more fun for the Genji, whose kit is designed to murder supports, than it is for the supports who are getting murdered.


They won’t complain if he isn’t being played a lot there.

More importantly, they are likely to queue more.

It is if your argument is “we nerfed a hero, and people are are complaining therefore nerfs can’t fix the problem”

I was demoing that it was a garbage argument, by applying it to another hero. I could have used Moth.

Anyway the issue isn’t that they are complaining, it is that they are not queuing.

not really at will, but at the will of your team, this is a team game. dps are supposed to kill things a lot, tanks are supposed to dmg sponge, that’s how it works.