Genji Nerfs Wildly Overtuned

The Genji nerfs were laughably severe. He was meta for a couple weeks and they made him worse than he was before. But, before buffs he was still a throw pick. So this decision was very bad for the game and Genji players. They need to either nerf damage and keep speed or keep damage and revert speed, not both. Genji in high areas of the game is impossible to play. Support characters and tanks effortlessly shut him down still. Lets get this changed.


Sym was good for like 9 days and then got trashed

also these nerfs are nowhere close to overtuned


I thought genji has been meta for a while now…

Wait a week for the stats to roll in and act from there, like many genjis insisted on when he got buffed initially



Where do I even start to debunk this clownery?


Fake news, stop spreading lies

6 and a half
not a couple, stop downplaying it, Symm had only a decent pick rate for a week and actually got nerfed to worse than she was before

He was never a throw pick
stop listening to Noobhunter’s clickbait and Necros being a crybaby cause he can’t instakill people with Genji with his pepega aim

They reverted two buffs that pushed him into being OP, you’re lucky they didn’t sledgehammer him to China and back


I see a lot of posts like these and I honestly just don’t know what to say, I can’t believe people unironically think this. But I can’t just insult without bringing up facts.

Genji was buffed 4 times in one patch, and had received 2 more buffs before that. Blizzard reverted the damage and decreased the fire rate, while still keeping buffed deflect (cancel + 2 seconds of deflect time) and the same spread that absolutely shreds tanks and you say he is garbage now. I think we can honestly all believe that even before the Genji buffs, there were WAY more heroes who needed some help (sombra, doomfist, sym etc etc.)

edit: my mistake, blizzard REVERTED the genji fire rate apparently, so it was the exact same fire rate as before April 2020


Nerfing an overpowered hero is bad for the game?.. lol


The whole post is just objectively incorrect


Welcome to our pain genji mains

hero gets buffed, then is OP, then gets nerfed even harder lol

Your entire premise is not at all based in the reality of the game. Genji was in a healthy spot before the buffs that he didn’t need. He had a couple reverted, but by definition is in a better spot then he was before then.

The only laughable thing is the claim that he’s worse now, or that he’s bad in any way. He’s almost certainly still too strong and will end up receiving more nerfs.


I would say if they only nerfed the damage but kept the fire rate speed, it would have been ok, he feels awfully slow now.


Just putting this out there
but I have yet to see a Genji main that is respectful, objective, and actually has a grasp on reality

To a Genji main
not being able to instakill a Support is tantamount to being a throw pick

Meanwhile heroes like Sombra, Symmetra, Pharah, Lucio, and Zenyatta are all down the gutter and are lucky to even get an indirect buff via another hero


Sym and Sombra mains:


anyway symmetra is a diferent history… she needs mechanics reworks…

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Look above at my post. He definitely didn’t get nerfed harder than he got buffs.

I know a few. @Drazan, @Tekunin, though I’ve argued with both, they seem like pretty cool peeps. They want their guy to be strong, which I understand. They also have the misfortune of liking a hero who is hated by many, to which I can relate—being a big Brigitte fan.

i mean i did do some maths to show that damage wise he was worse tahn before,

the question is, if the spread makes up for that damage loss or not

Genji has been meta for like a year

It did feel like it…But it was only for about a month if you are being serious