Genji Nerfs Are A Slap on The Wrist

its 30 which were it shud be at

Nope, quite sane, as he’s still very strong on Experimental. We’ll have to wait and see but I can almost guarantee that they’ll nerf him again.

in my opion this is wat they shud do nerf his ultimate gain rate its WAY TO FAST coming from a genj main tehy shud also put his deflect back to 1.5 instead of 2

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If you think these nerfs are small then you don’t know how Genji operates. He can no longer triple headshot melee squishies, he can no longer triple headshot/dash/melee 250 HP targets. And the timing nerf is huge as it punishes him even more if he misses his first alt fire when he is in the middle of 6 enemies with no reset.

These should have come with a revert to the deflect length buff, and a removal of his ult activation dash reset, and his ult speed boost.

He’s still going to farm with his kit purely based on the M2 spread reduction he got. If he’s keeping that, his ult needs a big nerf.

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ummm actually what gave him the increased ult uptime was the extra damage

so that got nerfed and its even lower tahn before the nerfs

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His potential DPS is lower, but in reality before the spread buff you were never hitting that max DPS with him anyway. Now he brawls with M2 and lands all 3 shurikens way more reliably than he ever could before, he’s still easily going to do more damage than he did pre buff.


Not necessarily since the spread buff is still there, which is still technically more damage than before the damage buff. You’re still going to hit 3 shurikens a lot more consistently with his Secondary Fire which will build up quick ult charge.

Yeah but the damage is less.

its easier to land but the damage is less, so idk what that means exactly i cant calculate that, though wht i can calc is the damage, and i did.

I think the issue with Genji is when he is really Nano Bladed. Ana doesn’t need a nerf, but the strikes doing 180 a swing is just too good.

If Blade was 100 a strike it be fine (150 a swing nano). You can even increase the duration of his blade time.