Genji Nerfs Are A Slap on The Wrist

Same with the people listing Doomfist as if Genji isn’t able to double jump out of the way of every ability, or out of every ability that Doomfist uses on him lol


Problem in this game is power creep. So they should level everything with mid tier. I guess your point that “not neccesarily” kind of makes sense.

They’re lowering both his damage and fire rate of spread by reasonable amounts- The recent the damage buff he was given is being completely reverted and his RoF is being nerfed by I think what boils down to about 15%.

This will directly impact how quickly he charges ult.

I’m largely whatever on the deflect buffs. He’s always been able to cancel it anyways- simply touching a wall, or- and much more likely, with a swift strike. Either away from you into safety or through your face. He should’ve always been able to manually cancel it IMO.

I’m glad to see genji getting nerfs, and I’m glad to see they’re settling on a middle ground instead of a complete revert or lower position than he started in.

If he needs more adjustments, I’m sure he’ll get more adjustments.

power creep is only when they overcorrrect/overbuff. if they made every dps hero as strong as peak tracer for example, it wouldn’t be power creep.

Yes it would, because the health relative to damage isn’t changing for any hero. If you endlessly buff DPS heroes, they all instagib everything. As it stands, TTK in this game is extremely low. Any lower and it’s Counter-Strike territory.

are you aware that it is possible to buff heroes without just making their damage numbers higher?

Yes and I wish people would realize it’s entirely a thing you can do for supports too. For all the whining about “healing creep”, people sure do have a problem with offloading healing into utilities. SMH

you are replying to an argument that wasn’t made by me lmao

I’m just lamenting the forums right now. I didn’t think that needed explanation, but apparently :man_shrugging:

Genji can’t fire as fast and does slightly less damage. He won’t get his ult as fast as he has been.

2 dmg per shuriken with -6 if all hit and -12 if all headshot is no joke
I think he’ll be fine
He needed the slap on the wrist

Although I understand how jealous some people could be because their favorite hero for sledgehammer in a week or two

I’ve also experienced that

Looks at Symmetra:eyes:


cries in symmetra :sob:

Were you not there for double shield? Were you not there during goats? Moth meta? The hero has been unpickable to subpar for years, he finally gets buffs and he’s good for what a month and a half? The problem is nano blade but they choose to nerf his base kit making him into even more of a blade bot? Genji aside idk why you guys complain about tanks being bad, but then when a support gets a buff that dumpsters tank ults and abilities you all say nothing about it.

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If you still haven’t figured out how to deal with and react to Dragonblade, I don’t what to tell you.

If you still haven’t figured how to deal with Deflect cancellations BEFORE this new additional cancel, and if you cannot figure how to deal with mind-games and quick thinking. I don’t know what to tell you. Perhaps more simplistic games or less thinking games would be more suited to you tastes?

Depends on the definition. If you’re holding power creep to the same standards that Supports and healing creeped managed, then yes, there’s no real power creep.

TTK was always pretty low. It has seen some substantial time increases, however, most notably due to the increase in mitigation and healing sustain that’s been apparent over the past few years with new heroes. This is in-turn did lead to a reaction and a demand for greater burst-damage heroes, but also Blizzard (rather correctly), understood that direct damage increases were going to cause a power-creeping effect and went instead, towards making it easier to apply damage for the Damage-class.

Eh… a lot of the utility in Overwatch is “hard” utility rather than “soft” utility. There’s only so many ways you can apply damage-boosts for a team and a limited number of abilities than a Support can have and must have at least some base-level requirements (Self-healing, and direct, consistent healing).

If you played back in beta, you’d understand that Genji saw a damage reduction of 32 to 28 and the loss of Zenyatta’s “infinity orb”. There was a debate, even, to lower Genji’s health to 150 instead of reducing his damage. Things basically worked out well enough that the damage reduction was good enough.


Double-barrier still exists.

Most of this is hyperbole.

He does struggle a lot more now thanks to the shifting compositions that put his biggest challenges (Tanks) to the forefront. Genji is fairly balanced across all other engagements, usually having a slight advantage or disadvantage, but nothing terribly lopsided (unless it’s Symmetra or some other static defenses). So he needs weaknesses, and Tanks are those big ones that limit him to what he can do. Similarly, Echo and Doomfist have similar troubles. And this isn’t really a bad thing.


He had 32?

I can’t believe it

It’s not that he’s bad, but he’s just clunky right now. If you fan and dash and immediately fan again, there’s a noticeable delay. Like, there’s no reason to revert his attack delay buff as he was balanced before the 4 other buffs came in


Twenty characters

u sreiously want him more nerfed are u mad

Eh, for now I’ll wait and see how it turns out. Who knows, it might be just enough, although it’s kinda hilarious how they will not touch the ultimate itself with any nerfs despite being so strong.