Genji Nerfs Are A Slap on The Wrist

Both of these are just Reverts that don’t fix what makes him OP. He’s still going to get his powerful ult in 45 seconds and Deflect Cancellation is still going to make it to where you can’t punish him for bad plays.


I think it’s funny because a lot of Genji players are crying saying the nerfs are too harsh when it’s hardly anything lol


You gotta remember, a lot of his mains have and will still say he was one of, if not “the”, worst character in the game at some point.

If Blizz slightly changed the shade of green on his character model, some mains would say it dumpsters him and ruins his gameplay.


Got to love all those post listing his counters, that just list every hero in the game.


mald because blizzard didn’t dumpster the character. I don’t see how you think nerfing his damage and fire rate will have no impact on his ult charge rate or how they are a slap on the wrist.


No, I’m mald because of how bias ppl are when it comes to hero balancing.


I still remember some people listing Zen as a counter to him


how is this biased? they buffed him when he was mediocre then reverted some of the buffs when he was overtuned.


Mid tier at worst***


Mercy main with 3000 posts malding on the forums.

This character has been garbage for years. If you’re upset about Nanoblade then nerf it. This doesn’t detract from its value, it only makes him an ult farm that’s practically unusable until he gets it. I hope you like dry pushing for 3 minutes!


mid tier is mediocre.

Mid Tier is balanced…


that isn’t necessarily true though.

Uhhh excuse me what?

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“Athena also counters Genji and makes him useless because she announces the beginning of the game so the enemy knows Genji’s team will probably try to capture the objective.”


Was really hoping the spread buff would be the one reverted. The damage buff was okay imo, especially if they hit his ult charge proportionately.

Genji nerfs are OK. I personally would’ve done:

  • 10% ult charge nerf
  • Revert spread
  • Revert both deflect buffs

I kinda wish the damage and RoF stayed :confused:


This imo. RoF is what makes him feel so clean to play, with all the combos and stuff.

the point of balance is to make the heroes as close in power as possible when played optimally. saying mid tier heroes are balanced is absolutely arbitrary because of this. buffing low/mid tier heroes to high tier or nerfing high/mid tier heroes to low tier are equally viable methods of balance.

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30 dmg is okish, but I wished it was 29.

RoF is debatable, but I can see it stay, however I want the RoF buff to be on primary, not 2ndary.

Spread is big problem to even made to live, increasing his effective range by 34% is not something one can just slap on a hero.

As for deflect…I don’t mind the duration much, I just want the skill expression of cancelling deflect with wallclimb back.