Genji needs his reset

Read what I said again. I meant that his ult is considered one of the easy ‘Team Wipe’ ults [As opposed to say Symms], and it’s disliked by many because how annoying it is.

It should be high risk-high reward and fine where it is, no extra dash resets because he already has hella mobility and doesn’t need even more.

If you’re GM [As you claim] you’re playing up against people in the same skill as you and of course it will be a struggle.

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tracer? the enemy genji? and who else? ive been killed as phara and mercy with him countless time while flying due to his stupid OP dashes


Genji is not a defenseless child. You act like he is. Nobody is saying he’s unstoppable, but it’s EXTREMELY HARD to stop him. For practical purposes, he’s almost unstoppable. It’d be like saying Widowmaker’s DPS is 300 because that’s her max charge damage on a headshot, but you know that’s not how it works in reality.

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5 meters in front, not wide. so no it isn’t the same.

and youre again, gold if you don’t think a McCree cant just flash genji as he travels in a straight line on a predictable path. infact youd have to be lower than gold to not be able to do that.

lol you’ve got to be like silver or lower. theres no way you think the way you do if you aren’t.

genji traves in a straight line. no way to change it. mercy can super jump while GA. If you cant hit a genji who dashes straight at you with no way to change it, you just cant aim. Plain and simple. its literally just moving in a straight line.

So much this!! You can’t even fly away from him because he’ll just double jump ledge climb dash into you through the sky, like jesus

when ulting he needs it

walls arent everywhere in the field
double jmp isnt enough to get close or avoid stuns and damge
let me remind you that most heros have mobility

bad positioning :slight_smile:
and just becaue you’re flying doesnt meen you should be immuned from it
after all pharmercy is kinda cancerous and hard to kill as well

there’s travel time on mccrees flash, he is just as likely to hit that as much as pharah or junkrat is as likely to hit a dashing genji with their projectile

mercy goes forward and then straight up when super jumping and, as i said it’s not easy to hit her but she’s way slower than genji, and guardian angel atleast takes 2 seconds before she can use that again while genjis reset meaning he can do dashes back to back, if the entire enemy team was low enough he could just dash them to death.

and by the way his dash to hit someone with it you need less accuracy than brig shieldbash. which is even more stupid.

like honestly i’d be fine if they removed genji from the game.

In order for Genjis Ultimate to be effective he deffinetly needs his dash.
The main problem is there is no real effective counter because his ultimate is trans formative.

The solution would be to make his ultimate like everyone elses which can be cancelled by CC.

Especially considering Hog \ McCree \ Reaper ults can easily get cancelled and they are pretty much a sitting duck while using it.


I’ve made this proposition before and I’ll make it here: only allow the dash cooldown reset during his Ultimate. When he’s not ulting, no dash reset. Sounds like a reasonable nerf to start with for him.

where is suposed the good positioning if he can dash all around the map

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you’re flying? make sure he acnt wallclimb and dash into you
stay close to a bast distance to outplay him when he jumps
you get putplayed taht’s all
and no
he cant dash anwhere
he has a cooldown that resets once when ulting
nothing hard to calculate

then flank like every other dps does.

did you know you get a melee reset when you wall climb? meaning it’s advantageous for genji to be close to walls, and also let me remind you genji have deflect.

i mean genji doesn’t have to be great in every spot on the map, that’s why he’s absolutly nuts.

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whatever dude, im not losing more my time with you.

you mean like they fail to do so? and thus are trash tier?

melee? you mean jump?

he does

it also goes off when it hits something. throwi it straight. hit genji. flashed. again. easy.

genji cant change at all.

he also has to kill something to get a dash reset. and requires skill to get those kills.

what? genjis dash doesn’t have a cone. it just has a forwar trajectory. it has a larger area it can hit, but it is not easier to hit.

yeah I figured as much, like I said, delusionally biased.

no you actually reset your melée attack when you wall climb, you can melée touch the wall and melée again.

he just needs an assist, meaning if he hits something and someone else kills it, he gets a reset, he doesn’t need to final blow anything to get his resets which i would advocate for because he would get those anyways when ulting.

go into practice range and try to swiftstrike between those 2 bots right outside of spawn and see if you manage to not hit any of them.

they can’t balance him that’s why i think it’s better to just remove him or just put his kit into hanzo and make the true ninja they originally planned.

no that’s just you being biased and think he should be playable in every situation.

With this logic…

Soldier should fly when he use the ult… because he need avoid the enemy shields…

Or hanzo needs a cc hability that can stun the enemys when he use the ult…

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Pot, kettle, black.

oh? because I think about the game as a whole rather than just one interaction? sure tell yourself that.

no they aren’t trash, they are normal aka not op. they actually have to work for it.