So there are a lot of diversion in the forums on “Genji is OP or not”. Well, to be honest I don’t often enter in these discussions about Genji, because so far after 4 years playing OW I’ve never really mastered Genji and I’m reaaally bad (or was?) with him. I could not bring value to any match with Genji, it was simply too hard for me. I mainly play hitscans and although I really like the concept of Genji, I could never grasp his playstyle, so I stopped trying at some point. He was one of my least played heroes until now. It’s good to also let you know that I didn’t have any problem with Genjis. Dealing with Genji before the nerf was pretty ok.
Now, after buffs I didn’t first started playing him, but when I saw all the cry on the forums I actually went to give it a try because I didn’t think the changes would make him so different. Oh boy… was I wrong… He is actually now super good to play and easy. I’ve been playing him in the last 3 days and WOW… I can now kill reliably, bring value to team fights and actually feel useful playing him. I even got POTGs without using blade (something that was REALLY far from my skill reality). I can get average of 4 blades per normal game, differently from before where I would get 1 only and sometimes none.
You can interpret this your own way. My way of seeing the Genji buffs is: They made him a LOT EASIER to play now and I think he is a bit busted. Why? Because I was SUPER BAD with Genji, and now I’m actually being constantly the best DPS in my matches, with high kill count and damage dealt.
One thing is good: I overcame the fear of playing Genji and dying all the time. I can actually play him without any fear of being too bad…