Genji is below orisa and bastion in GM

No, im not referring to the people who disagree. I’m referring to the people who ALWAYS, and i mean ALWAYS do this in genji threads:

“WhAt AbOuT mY hErO?” card and try to devalue the genji thread onto their own hero(es).

Im not expecting everybody to agree with me but I dont like how there will be a genji thread and every single time, theres always at least ONE PERSON pulling the “what about my hero(es)” card on us but i dont see that at all in other hero threads. I always see it in a genji thread.


clearly not well since in pretty much any topic for the heroes listed there’s always disagreement esp with any doomfist. i’ve yet to see the cases you say exist.

Can you send me a forum link or topic I can search that proves your point?

fixed for doom

fixed for mor

fixed for brig

literally every character has had that bought up.

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they gave up like its honestly painful watching their streams

god damn

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There’s never disagreement to the point of calling their mains greedy and ungrateful because their character got a measly duration buff to an ability that helped in no way, and no one asked for.

There is always going to be pushback from a community, but “we’ll have to tweak the shield gain on ability usage for Doomfist for this” isn’t the same as “we need to remove Dash reset, put Double-jump and Wall-climb on a cooldown, and make Dragonblade unboostable” for one point of damage.

There is always “But what about Symm? Bastion? They’re worse, fix them first!” in Genji threads. Every time. You simply cannot have an actual discussion about what’s good for the hero with people here, as no one cares to listen.

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thats a huge false assumption

not whats said at all.

and in tons of other hero threads. stop assuming its only genji

you mean like you not listening to others? you clearly havent been

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Decent on second point anubis with the long narrow approach.

Because only genji mains want a strong genji. Everyone else hates the annoying jumpy bugger.

No character deserves to be dumpstered simply because they’re disliked. I disliked Brigitte, but I never wanted her dumpstered.

Sadly that’s not true. If a character isnt fun for people to play against they will quit. Release brigitte and moira saw people quit this game in the thousands.

Unfun =/= overpowered. Release Brigitte and Moira were unfun because they were overpowered. Genji is extremely weak and preys on mistakes to succeed - that’s why he’s unfun.

He needs a buff period. Even his recent buff didn’t help that much. I so wish he was like now what he was like last year about this time

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I don’t think thousands of people left the game because of Moira

She wasn’t even meta. Brig on the other hand…

No. Genji is unfun because of his stupid kit.

  1. Double jump. Always jumping, annoying to aim at.

  2. Dash. Another mobility ability, plus a ranged kill shot with no real counterplay other than “don’t be low hp”. Feels bad to die to this.

  3. Blade. Combined with jumping everywhere and dashing. Could not be less fun to play against. Feels bad to die to this.

He’s not fun to play against. Even when you do get a shot without him jumping he reflects your own shots back at you. Honestly let him stay dumpster forever outside of pro play.

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That’s a pretty funny joke ngl

Dash is capitalizing on player error in the same way that deflect is, and double-jump is intentionally throwing off aim.

Everything about Genji is all about capitalizing on mistakes and counterplay. It is common knowledge that this makes him unfun for anyone to play against.

We used to have symettra as a hard counter, but they nerfed her lock on beam and her turrets so she’s a better all rounder but a less effective anti flanker now. Ana and brigitte and moira can deal with him, but that’s not very comforting if you are in a dps spot.

Remember when a specific person I won’t name said genji has 3 get out of jail free cards

Symmetra is weak to dive, so that’s a soft counter, not a true counter. Torbjorn, McCree, Tracer, Junkrat, Pharah and Echo are all counters in the DPS roster.

stopped reading here. Imagine using QP stats to drive home a point :laughing: