Definitely. Genji and Tracer have always been the highest skill ceilings. You can never really peak, it seems.
I manage to put even the really good ones through quite a few Car Washes on Symm. But you have to be pretty sneaky about it. But Damage + Slow puts a real hurting on him. He also cant deflect the beam so if it’s ramped up, you can roast him fairly easily. Helps when he’s slowed or it’s like trying to catch a fly with chopsticks lol
Winston, Moira, Doomfist, Tracer, Roadhog, Brigitte to an extent. Zenyatta counters blade, as does Lucio.
Counter doesn’t always mean guaranteed kill. If you can prevent him from killing your backline and force him to retreat, you are countering him.
84 DPS without his swift strike, assuming he hits all 3 on the body. That’s actually fairly low when you have people with much higher damage potential and more consistent damage.
They have favour the attacker to pace games faster, even though it feels buggy af. Why do they continue to nerf heroes instead of buff them? There’s a pretty good video explaining this, but if I post it I’ll probably get forum banned
He’s balanced. Though I suspect if the mains keep crying they’ll get a buff in the form of a nerf to Moira.
If anything, Mercy and Moira both needs buffs. He’s fine, he needs zero changes.
Yeah, Genji is fine right now. It’s just meta, and nobody can help that. I’m hoping nobody gets nerfed and I’m not sure if Moira and Mercy need that much of a buff - it may just be meta too? They can both be really strong, but ana is just needed too much for nano, so it’s always her instead of Moira
Dunno if I’m making any sense, sorry
Currently, there isn’t a single DPS hero in the game that needs a nerf, but some of them need buffs.
Genji has been balanced for a very long time. He’s fine where he is.
The game needs to start reevaluating supports and tanks more than anything right now.
I think its actually Hanzo.
He’s the new Genji.
Fine by me
Have you met this little thing called Dragonblade? Stupid amounts of damage without nano boost and thanks to that ridiculous resetting swift strike ability near infinite mobility and a free 50 damage. Every squishy has only 150 hp against him because of that absurdly broken garbage. Counters? Outside of a miracle stun or a support ult, there is no bloody counter. Winston and Moira do damage too slowly. His absurd bounciness and once again that swift strike make him very hard to hit. “Just get good, aim at him and shoot him!” Can’t do that either because of the insanely broken deflect ability he has. “Just wait for deflect to run out!” Did I mention swift strike? Deflect, shuriken, swift strike, melee, guess what? You’re dead anyway!
Balanced character indeed. If this is what passes for balanced in this game, no wonder people are so pissed off about it. The ONE TIME we get a viable counter to this idiot, everyone gets angry and she takes over the game. That should tell you something. But no, go ahead and continue to bury your head in the sand.
Ah yes, his ultimate. We don’t base DPS around ultimates. He has counters, kiddo. Counter == instant kill.
He’s very easily killed when focused. That’s an issue with your team, not Genji’s design.
Oh well, it appears as though you’re just another support main complaining about Genji. It’s the norm.
You have like, what, <5 hours on him? You don’t even have actual experience with him and you’re calling him broken.
Seriously, it’s not a Genji issue. I’d write you a good list on how to counter him, but you’d probably just ignore it and preach that he’s broken.
What? I dont see that much of nerf genji topics, is there something i dont know about?
“Mada Mada!”
I’ve seen them constantly. It’s a shame, a balanced hero under attack when he’s not even meta.
Welp, i notice more about tracer and heroes who are part of goats than genji, thats all.
I’m pretty sure Hanzo is. Or both brothers are equally hated.
“Bias against him”. Right right, because those who get trashed on by the Little Ninja That Could (Not Be Hit) are subjectively wrong because those who subjectively defend him are right. Bias exists in this argument on both sides as a standard. So bias isn’t a valid argument, and it comes down to why people on both sides say what they say.
Drop the bias crap, it’s not relevant to this conversation when both sides are going to exhibit bias anyway.
No, the only time he was balanced was when Brig kept Genji players cautious instead of having a “who do I kill first” hero buffet.
Genji’s been assist reset dashing out of the chopping block for far too long.
He’s not wrong either way.
Blizzard, despite the forums’ beliefs, actually listen to the community quite a bit with balancing decisions. That’s why Roadhog was completely butchered and left to rot for such a long time, Brigitte was added to combat dive that was practically non-existant below Masters, Doomfist was given 4 nerfs at once when he only needed a few small ones, etc.
If some very adamant players cry loud enough, they’d probably get around to nerfing Genji, too.