Genji has the second lowest winrate and is the 3rd lowest pickrate dps

id suggest not to look at winrates. its a wierd number to explain. id most suggest only to look at pickrate as they tell you what the meta is.

remember it doesnt tell why its meta. a lot of people refer back to pickrates to say a hero is good/bad but i dont think they know why its like that. genji might be bad because of bap or hog are meta. its really a question that takes a while to answer.

Wait… does Genji need to be good?

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He’s one of the worst DPS heroes in the game rn, the only heroes below him are the chronically trash heroes.

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So? If you like playing Genji. Keep playing Genji. Pick and winrates only matter if you are top 500.

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Well, from a competitive standpoint there is not much point in playing Genji since most, if not all, other DPS are better than him.


You should do the same. Double shield isn’t Genji’s meta without Brig, not surprising it’s worse with her. The lower she went down the more Genji went up, because he can do okay with an unfavorable meta or a rather hard counter with plenty of usage but not with both.

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Guys brig has the lowest support winrate in GM we should absolutely buff her right??

overbuff stats are meaningless since they can only fetch info from ppl with public profiles. i would say majority of players has theirs on private , since private is the default option

Yes and others have been bad too, don’t see why we should keep on looking at Genji.


Because those are the worst heroes in the game not the ones above them in value. When you have heroes that have been trash for years, it’s hard to take seriously anyone who says a hero that is about mid tier is trash. Genji isn’t a good hero and he’s not a bad one. He needs a power shift not straight buffs so he’s less dependent on blade for value


Then riddle me this: Why was Genji hardly picked in Dive, a meta he is supposed to be good in?

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Because other dive heroes were doing better due to the support line up. He wasn’t bad in dive, he was B tier. Genji mains just expected him to be meta and he was below that making him an undesirable pick for pro scene




His pickrate barely moved during Dive, you’d expect him to at least have been an option in the upper tiers and pro scene.

This was an ANA dive meta, meaning Genji should have in theory been one of the best options, since Nanoblade IS his primary source of strength, but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

Granted, I don’t want him as one of the top tier DPS, but in theory, in that particular scenario that’s where he would’ve been.


Because of Brig. Which is why he needs a power shift. I am not saying that Genji is a good hero. But he’s inarguably better than heroes that are actually trash like Bastion

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If he was B tier wouldn’t he have seen at least a pickrate near 2% instead of 1%?

There are always heroes that are going to be the better picks, but they don’t completely snuff out the competition.
For example, Zen, Brig, and Bap are the best supports, but Mercy and Ana aren’t anywhere near a 1% - 1.5% and they could be considered as “B-tier”.


I agree on the power shift, you already know my stance on the matter:

29 Damage Shurikens
.7 Firerate
10.5 Spread
1.5 Second Deflect [Cancel stays]
Compensatory ultimate charge scaling

Or, the different route with a softer ultimate charge nerf:

The same changes but with 125 damage Dragonblade and take away the ability to boost Dragonblade’s damage.

That’s what I think would fix Genji by very least.

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Considering he has the potential of being one of the most difficult characters of the game (if blizz reverts unnecessary changes), yes why not? Learning how to play a difficult character should be rewarding and he can be countered anyways

Not trash heroes, just heroes with a situational design.

I’d say that in diamond+ is where you feel if a hero is whether good or bad, and to be honest Genji is just a worse Echo

  1. Winrate means nothing. Said it before
  2. Her design needs to be reworked. If her pickrate was low but had a good design… Why not let her be in a good place?

He was bad for about a year. Role queue killed him.

Not to mention everyone’s goal in comp is to climb to the top, that’s the purpose of a competitive ladder.

If your hero gets worse the higher up you go, you’re significantly de-incentivized to play that hero.

It’d be like getting a promotion in a job halving your salary per position you move up.


There are 16 dps heroes and 7 support heroes, comparing the support pickrates and such a way is nonsense. DPS will naturally have their mid tier picks have lower pickrates than the support equivalent.

Genji was closer to 2% than 1% that entire time. 1.73% for example rounds to 2, not 1.