Genji has the second lowest winrate and is the 3rd lowest pickrate dps

i dont know where you get your stats from but from what i can see genji is 8th lowest dps pickrate and 9th lowest dps winrate (literally middle of the pack) in GM on pc and even 10th lowest dps pickrate on PS with 4th in winrate for dps all for this week


Weird, im looking at overbuff right now, and it seems in gm that sombra has the third lowest pickrate at 0.27% (genji has quadruple her pickrate).
Hanzo has the second lowest winrate at 51.12% (Genji’s is at 54.02%)

you mind just typing out “and” instead of putting “N”

He’s one spot above Junkrat.

If all the times players like you told us that Junkrat was fine, “he’s just niche!”, then Genji is perfectly fine with those stats.

hE’s JuSt NiChE.


i think genji deserves more because he harder to play, and takes alot to practice, and most of the player are one trick anyway even then they still do bad

comapared to junk, like im not a good junk because i rarely play them

but i will get value playing junk on my first time compared a player trying genji and had only play genji like 10 hours of his total playtime

Am I missing something here?

Overbuff > This week > All SR’s > Offensive hero’s

Genji is the second highest picked hero. Your title is a troll.
6th out of 10 for win rate, again just about middle of the road.

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he clearly said its GM stats

Oh, even so this is such a small % of the player base. Plus they play weird Meta’s at that level where team synergy is more than the power of any singular hero.

For the 98% of the rest of the player base the stats are meaningless.

Only tracer, Mccree, Ashe and a bit of echo are played. All other DPS are out of meta at the moment.

So I assume he is a Genji main looking for buffs for his weebo hero.


…because you are biased.

No he isn’t.

All heroes take a lot of practice to play at a high level. Go ahead and play Junkrat at your Genji SR and watch the losses pile up because you suck at him.

If you didn’t, and if he were easier like you say, you’d already be maining him into GM. But you don’t, because he isn’t.

At least you wear your bias on your sleeve.

Taking longer to learn does NOT excuse more power, and being easier does not justify less. At the end of the day, all heroes should have depth in their gameplay, and all be equal in power.

You should be learning heroes because you want to. Not because they’re better.


so by your logic i deserve to play junkrat half drunk and get same value as 1 trick genji who trying their best?

If anything Genji has been brought up in the forums for being ‘too easy’ to play. People have been asking for his skill ceiling to be raised to give him more of a power shift for higher ranks.

If you can’t aim he is the perfect hero to master.


No, he is saying that as a soldier, who is according to the game ‘easy to play’ should get the same value as a 1 trick genji main if you practise both of them enough.

Hero’s that are hard to master should always be better because they are harder to play, should not be a thing.

Maybe if you happen to be drunk right now

The heroes should be equal.

Players are not heroes.

You are obviously not a hero, in any sense of the word.


Yeah…non-genji mains have been.

All I see from genji-mains is begging for OP shuriken back.


People have to learn that middle of the pack in this game is trash, also look at how low his pick rates are.

they are low, but not as low as OP is claiming, was mainly trying to correct the false information that was given.

from what i understand in general, anything that lower than the top 6 dps is either bad or trash in gm.

its way below average pickrate for dps (which is 1.73% according to my calculations with data from overbuff so might not be super accurate)
but its also a fact that theres only 7 (almost 6) heroes that are above average in pickrate. you can keep making the argument “well his pickrates are low” but so are like 8 other dps’ pickrates. They need to both nerf the better dps heroes and buff the worse ones if you want to see any good change in that.

He’s among top 3 dps at pretty much all ranks
His kit is super noob friendly, allows for a lot of mistakes due to multiple get out of jail cards, stalling and escape abilities
He’s got spammy high burst dmg on secondary, an ult with very little counterplay despite being in melee range (not even a drawback thanks to dash resets and low recovery with big damage mumbers on blade) except well timed hard CCs ults from tanks
If you want to make him better for higher ranks, nerf ult damage and / or recovery, make dash less of a snowball mechanic (i.e. doesn’t reset on assist kills or untill he dealt a certain amount of damage on enemy) and compensate with faster projectiles and bigger dmg numbers on primary


You still dont comprehend what a snowball mechanic is.

Dash doesnt get more powerful per use, it stays the same, not a snowball mechanic.

Your changes are also terrible for the hero, anything involving touching dash reset is bad.

You’re a perfect example of someone lacking knowledge on a hero still trying to have an opinion on them, which you shouldnt if you’re going to spout out crap like this instead of taking a moment to actually do research.


Genji mains are both a victim and result of Blizz’s lacking in balancing the game.

Buff Genji, 95% of the player-base suffer.

Leave Genji as is, the true 5% hardcore players cant play the character.

Only thing left is to do a powershift.

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Winrate is an unreliable source. Pickrate is though. Hope Blizz realises that and they didnt lie when saying: “We’re pulling back on some of these changes, specifically with a goal of reducing some of his burst potential, and we’ll keep a further eye on him to make sure he lands in a good spot”

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