“Remember the two weeks genji was good in OW1 ?”
The underlying issue with genji discussions is that his inherent design is everything people in lower ranks hate to deal with: Fast, Agile, Hard-hitting, at times (due to the skill involved) one-shotting.
And in higher ranks genji quickly becomes an obsolete ult-battery for actually over-tuned heros and/or his current meta-counters, i.e. Zarya, Reaper, Sojourn. (Yes reaper is a bit of an odd choice but his sustain can outheal genjis techs with minimum efford so I’ll include it):
With how strong supports heals are currently, oneshotting moira isnt easily done, and diving Anas is about as fun as licking a cactus (Her nade shuts down genjis tech, and if the second support is close by, genjis lackluster neutral game overall will. Previously that was brigs job but now any support can do that)
Kiriko is also undiveable, considering her two “get out of jail free cards”. And she can break ANY oneshot combo or meaningfull pick/dive at that; for no efford whatsoever.
Take a guess why people hate to go against Kiriko in neigh all ranks.
So what’s the nerf ACTUALLY gonna accomplish ?
It removes 6 dmg from his left and right clicks and reduces his normal r-click + melee cancel below the 200hp one-shot; breaking his bronze-level combo. Great.
What does it not change ? His obnoxious dash, r-click, melee cancel combo - Which is his actual tech btw.
Nerf genji sure; but in a meaningful way that doesnt ruin his gameplay for the people who put the efford into the hero. And while you’re at it, how about giving the other oneshot heros with tenfold less efford a tune too; widow for example ?
All it currently does is mess up his neutral game aside his techs and blade.
He will still one-shot you.
He will still be hard to hit.
He will still be complained about until people finally annoyed Jeff enough that genji goes back into the 0.1% pickrates of OW1 for the next 6 years.
Meanwhile there will still be DD-Moiras in lower ranks.
Sojourn will still suck the life out of high ranks.
Reaper will still be a top-percentile pick across all skill-ranges.
Kiriko will still hard-counter any meaningfull play.
Hog will still have his one-shot combo and vape 90% of players cant effectively deal with.
Phara-mercy will still dominate lower ranks and console.
Baptistes Immo-Field will still be one of the most impactful abilities in the game.
I can go on; there is problems in OW that people overlook for the sake of finding a scape-goat in genji due to lack of their own ability. And those problems will persist for as long as people choose to ignore the 90% of reasons they loose.
And before someone says I main genji, I main support; main-healer at that.
I defend one of my obnoxious match-ups.