People don’t understand that Genji got nerfed with almost every new hero release in Overwatch 1.
Sombra, Moira, Doomfist (broken hitbox 1 shot punch), Brigitte. Genji’s Deflect hitbox was mega-nerfed to the point that it’s only useful sometimes and feels niche to use.
He suffers from differences in Server latency, meaning when u dash through Widow and she gets a headshot after ur already behind her. On her screen, u hadn’t dashed yet, while on urs u had.
More than enough heroes still counter him nowadays. Zarya, Winston, Torb, Symmetra, Moira, Sombra, Echo (the laser), and Roadhog still win 1v1s vs him easily due to the busted hook hitbox, McCree. Even if just a slight counter.
Then there’s the issue of aim and overall skill that people lack, but I don’t even gotta go into detail since most people here hopefully realize that they suck at the game.
Sure, he requires less aim than hitscan, but that’s it. Or do you think he requires less aim than Mei, Symmetra, Pharah, Echo, Torb (with Turret included), Junkrat, and Reaper? I’d include Moira since she can be on par with DPS.
Now, to the ult combos. Nanoblade is considered busted while Reinhard and Zarya initiate good combos with many many other champs. Reinhard/Zarya + reaper, Reinhard/Zarya + Junkrat, Reinhard/Zarya + Pharah, Reinhard/Zarya + Tracer, Reinhard/Zarya + Hanzo, Reinhard/Zarya + Bastion even. Most end up in insta kills against most heroes even with Zen ult around.
When Mei is back she’ll also stun/freeze people which is good, just saying.
Tl:dr. There’s none, read the whole thing if u want to voice ur opinion against my arguments and I’ll try to answer it.