Genji getting nerfed (factual take)

People don’t understand that Genji got nerfed with almost every new hero release in Overwatch 1.
Sombra, Moira, Doomfist (broken hitbox 1 shot punch), Brigitte. Genji’s Deflect hitbox was mega-nerfed to the point that it’s only useful sometimes and feels niche to use.
He suffers from differences in Server latency, meaning when u dash through Widow and she gets a headshot after ur already behind her. On her screen, u hadn’t dashed yet, while on urs u had.

More than enough heroes still counter him nowadays. Zarya, Winston, Torb, Symmetra, Moira, Sombra, Echo (the laser), and Roadhog still win 1v1s vs him easily due to the busted hook hitbox, McCree. Even if just a slight counter.

Then there’s the issue of aim and overall skill that people lack, but I don’t even gotta go into detail since most people here hopefully realize that they suck at the game.
Sure, he requires less aim than hitscan, but that’s it. Or do you think he requires less aim than Mei, Symmetra, Pharah, Echo, Torb (with Turret included), Junkrat, and Reaper? I’d include Moira since she can be on par with DPS.

Now, to the ult combos. Nanoblade is considered busted while Reinhard and Zarya initiate good combos with many many other champs. Reinhard/Zarya + reaper, Reinhard/Zarya + Junkrat, Reinhard/Zarya + Pharah, Reinhard/Zarya + Tracer, Reinhard/Zarya + Hanzo, Reinhard/Zarya + Bastion even. Most end up in insta kills against most heroes even with Zen ult around.
When Mei is back she’ll also stun/freeze people which is good, just saying.

Tl:dr. There’s none, read the whole thing if u want to voice ur opinion against my arguments and I’ll try to answer it.


You conveniently forgot the triple buff Genji got indirectly with the release of OW2.

Indeed. What else is there to add? Lower effort, higher value. That’s not what a properly balanced hero means.

Just to be clear - I don’t think he was really “OP”, but he needed to be toned down.


So if something has less aim requirement than hitscan but still deals enough dmg it should be nerfed? With that logic you can nerf Mei, Symmetra, Pharah, Echo, Torb (with Turret included), Junkrat, Reaper, Moira, Winston, Brigitte, Sigma, Roadhog, Reinhard.
This is with the logic that aim is the only thing that matters and

nothing needs to be added to that, right?

I know u mean the deletion of CC and DPS passive (that every other dps also got).
Less CC is just going back to base Overwatch on release where not everyone moaned about Genji. So what’s the 3rd?

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This “factual take” seems to be oozing with main bias.


tell me what was wrong about what I said then and I’ll argue it.


Mei can’t stun/Freeze anymore, and Mei has ALSO been nerfed repeatedly. Each new character added is a nerf for her. Just for examples: Ana added a cleanse. Orisa can fortify and ignore her slow/ult, Wrecking Ball is too far for her to ever meaningfully slow. Kiriko can undo anything Mei does, including her ult.

Plus Mei keeps getting hit with +25% ult costs AND was hit with 6-8 back to back nerfs.


yeah. Is anyone saying that she’s as busted as Genji? Did I mention her being OP? I just mentioned her as a counter to Genji which she will always be cause he can’t properly hunt her down (her E) and can’t deflect her either. Imo her ult should freeze anyone regardless of abilities.
Got anything meaningful to add to this Genji post tho?


But… she doesn’t counter Genji. Genji is faster than her primary, and can just straight up leave her ult. Plus he could leave the range of her primary when it still could freeze.


sure he can do that, but then he’s wasted time with even dealing with her, wasted his dash for 7ish seconds and the freeze build-up was definitely strong and fast enough in OW1 imo. Even then, if ur opinion is Mei doesn’t counter Genji, then how does nerfing Genji make Mei better? His mobility isn’t being nerfed and it shouldn’t cause he’s a flanker. His dmg won’t make a difference cause like before Mei can use E and be safe long enough to heal up and dmg Genji again. So Mei doesn’t counter him in your opinion. How does nerfing Genji still make sense after saying that tho?

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Everyone suffers from latency. Everyone. In every online game.

Every character(except when they are over-powered) have counters. Why are you playing Genji into Torb if you can’t beat his turret. Genji still has more freedom than Tracer to deal with it. The tanks counter all dps, as they should. Moira is really active right now, but her dps is super low. She does not at all have the kill potential of dps.

I think that’s all.

Oh, he’s overperforming in every rank apparently. That’s a pretty good indicator he needs a nerf.


Genji is faster than she is. He picks the engagement.
Nerfing Genji doesn’t really make Mei better. Also, Mei’s E doesn’t heal her? I didn’t say antyhing about nerfing Genji. I argued that some of the counters aren’t even counters, and that other characters get nerfed just as much and more. :c


Genji got no changes going from a CC heavy game with a second tank to peel.

And he got passives on top of that.

Saying it was an oversight is being generous.


I don’t. I’m saying you can play Torb to counter Genji, so there’s never a reason to whine about Genji since he has many counters.

Tracer can revert dmg and completely tp herself out of duels or fights if timed right.

Tanks shouldn’t be complete raid bosses and shouldn’t deal more dmg than all dps, that’s the dps’s job, not the tanks’.

In mid ranks her damage is comparable to the dps players, and those dps players are the ones moaning about Genji being too strong while they can’t even properly aim.

I doubt that a GM McCree can’t win against a GM Genji without either of them having healers and even with both of them having the same healers heal them.

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I don’t experience this with Genji, are there patchnotes on this nerf?

This is called favor the shooter and effects every hero. The game, if it needs to decide whether a shot landed or not, will usually side with whoever fired it unless that person is insanely laggy.

Zarya is busted and counters everyone. Genji can out dps both winston, Moira and Sym, especially sym since she has no escape tools reliable enough to get away from genji or reliable burst damage to deal with him. He needs to walk into her turrets or miss every shot on the sym to lose.

He does require aim, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t need to be nerfed. I would argue he does require less aim than Pharah since their preferred ranges are different. His mobility means he’s harder to hit than it is for him to hit others, especially when he’s in your face.

Reinhardt and zarya combos require braincells and team coordination to use whereas nano blade is genji spamming ‘my ult is ready’ at ana and then dashing through everyone. Not SKILLESS but getting a 5 man grav or shatter is a little more difficult than being a hyper-mobile oneshotter.

Mei doesn’t have a stun / freeze anymore.

  1. Blizzard has stated he is over performing at every rank.
  2. So Blizzard is nerfing him.

There isn’t a lot to argue against here.

The game changed moving to 5v5, and now he is over performing at all ranks, so he is being nerfed.

I personally think he will get a lot more of a nerf after this.


this happened in OW1, I don’t know the exact date or the patch version, but it was “fixed” at least a year ago. Deflect used to have that big hitbox.

I do know that ye.

Yeah he can out-damage Moira (which should be normal cause she’s a supp) and he potentially can outdamage Winston, but Winston has too much hp for that except if the Genji ONLY hits headshots. Winston can else enter/exit the barrier at will so yeah…

we’re talking all ranks and not all ranks do this. And a lot of Genji players get taken care of the moment they unleash their ults…

Her ult still freezes, so yes. She does have a stun/freeze.

Overwatch used to have close to no CC at all and the tank and passive changes fit everyone, not just Genji.

last I checked it does.


When did you check? Because Mei’s E is an ice wall, and it has been since the start of the game.


ok sorry my bad. I just switched it up with her Shift. I’ll change that in the main thread real quick. Thanks for pointing that out.


I think you’re missing the rationale behind nerfing her. I, personally, didn’t think he needed a nerf, but they aren’t looking at the game from my perspective. That said, from my perspective, I just switched off if I was getting countered by him.

This is not a good way to rate dps, which I think is a major flaw in the stupid scoreboard. What matters isn’t damage or participation in kills. It’s getting the right kill at the right time that turns a game. DPS are designed to do this. Moira? You start throwing if you go for this too much because it takes her cooldowns and time away from healing to even attempt it.

This isn’t really related to Genji, so I won’t go too far into it, but I disagree with your assessment for a few reasons.

I don’t know what the WR is for Genji vs McCree in GM, but again, their perspective isn’t who to nerf in deathmatch. It’s who is winning more games for their team and how.

The third is removal of an off tank, which I would argue is the most important.

Removal of CC didn’t affect the DPS roster equally. Not all DPS are hyper mobile. Tracer got nerfed clearly because they knew she would be too strong.

CC impacts fast characters the most.

Off tanks were more available to peel.

DPS passive is much more useful to Genji, than most of the DPS roster.

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