Genji Finally Viable Again

He would still be the must pick DPS across the ranks, and that isn’t exactly healthy.

We have been here before, and along with it being unhealthy, it didn’t end well.

I don’t think kind of really captures it.


Replay code to prove you aren’t full of bs?

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We don’t know that because the change hasn’t happened

We can make some pretty damn educated guesses. Changes in ult charge doesn’t shift heroes around much.

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It does when that hero’s strongest aspect is their ult

was their ult.


And secondly, it doesn’t change stuff much before you don’t hit it until nano is up anyway.

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Still is. That’s why most people’s issue with him is nanoblade.

Which NEEDS nano. Which needs to charge.

More ult charge needed = less ults = less nanoblades

but by much…

say it USED to take 1:05 to charge, and it charged to only 1s… but nano still took a minute to charge.

nanoblade would be dropped by 5s.

You have changed WHO you are waiting for, but you are still waiting, so, increasing it again isn’t going to make a huge difference, compared to the burst he now does, being able to get a back like pick.

Same reason tempo rezzes were really strong, because it just takes one pick.

They have given him back his duking with the back line game play back, which is GOOD, since that was the most fun playstyle, but it also is a REALLY strong playstyle.

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5 seconds can mean the difference in a teamfight and thus the whole game.

You can’t tell the impact of something like this until it has happened. You can speculate all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that you don’t know for sure

yeah, but it VERY rarely does.

Given all of the other ult charge changes have done VERY little, I think we are pretty safe there.

I don’t know for sure that earths gravity isn’t going to just reverse in the next 5 minutes, but I can make some very educated guesses that it won’t.

I don’t know for SURE it won’t, but I am not tieing myself to the ground just in case either.

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It does all the time. The longer a team is alive the longer they have to kill the other and get more ult charge themselves.

Hasn’t happened to Genji. Each hero is unique and different changes can do different things to them.

Finally a top tier pick in Silver.

Touched buffed Genji the first since buff and damn he is so dumbed down.
Spam right click for easy damage and farm kills without skill, WTH did they do to Genji


We could make Widow’s basic fire 1000x as strong… I think we can be pretty sure she would by OP at that point.

We have never tried it… but, you know… even though the hero is unique, and it is a change we haven’t seen… I am sure she would be OP as all hell.

Because NOTHING says you need a lot of skill in their current form like being a top tier pick in silver.

That’s not a fair comparison. You are trying to compare an extreme change to a minor one.

A better example would be’s booster CD buffs and nerfs. A 2 second buff to’s boosters made her OP, and even oppressive.
Then they nerfed them by 1 second and she dropped drastically.

A small change had big impact

Yeah, but the argument was bunk to begin with. We can make good educated guesses on what has happened in the past.

Ult charge changes have been put on a lot of heroes. They ALWAYS do a whole lot of nothing.

Genji is NOT a special case here.

It was still a pretty hefty % change, AND one where we hadn’t seen the SAME change placed on a bunch of heroes in the past leading to a whole lot of nothing.

Mobility is CRAZY strong in this game, it is why Genji / Tracer is a problem. D’va getting a mobility change making major changes to her is NOT a suprise.

Because Mobility.

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But such a thing hasn’t happened in the past to Genji, except for the global ult charge nerf which made him a throw pick

He is because he’s an ultbot. His buffs made him less of one but his ult is still the biggest reason to play him.

He isn’t NOW. THAT is why the changes were so huge.

still being one of the top DPS picks at the is being a throw pick?

Like… do we HAVE to drag out the pre dive pick rates AGAIN to show it didn’t?

I am REALLY sick of having to show people who say “he was a throw pick” when he was top of the pick rate charts.


My post got flagged.
That’s why you don’t take this forum seriously lol