Genji Finally Viable Again

No, you are saying that people who are having trouble with him are just bad.

I guess the GM’s are bad then…

Or MAYBE… people who are having trouble with him are not bad, since… looking at Overbuff, EVERYONE is having trouble with him.


I dont see gm’s whining about him on the forums.

I only see biased/entitled people whining about him/any hero in general here.

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No you see them whining about him on their streams.

Yeah, because using objective data, and being vocally pro buffing him before the buffs hit is obviously biased.

He is CRAZY OP right now, they buffed him WAY WAY WAY too much.


The supports players in the forums mostly play Moira and Mercy… there is no possible way for an average Moira player to lose or being annoyed by a Genji…

A good Genji player will know not to bother Moira in the back line… Mercy players too… good luck catching a good Mercy player with a Genji. At Least in Moiras position sometimes u have to “sacrifise” the healing orb, but in Mercys positions u just have the self-regen…

I dont disagree that we have many Supports players in the forum (more than many) but it is not only the Supports who complain.

The Genji players MIGHT had a chance if Moiras nerfs were goign live… but now there is no chance to lose as Moira vs Genji.

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Genji still got slightly overtuned, literally most of the community is asking for the deflect cancel to be removed or his ammo/damage get reverted. Is that so much to ask for on top of all his utility that he already possesses?


He was not at 6.6 yesterday.

The last day of the this weeks pick rate is showing him at 6.6, which is todays current pick rate (for the few hours of today there have been at overbuff’s servers)

The full day readings look like this…



His current pickrate is 5%

Yes let’s laugh off support mains. Like the dps queues aren’t horrid as it is.


Your porbably only looking at GM, overall his pickrate is around 5.5 and even at GM his pockets is ,5% he is still at the top with Ashe being the second one at 3.8%


Go click on the image above to see his pick rates… in a NICE chart, where you can see the direction.

Do you notice the constant moving upwards? yeah… because it was constantly moving upwards.

As a NEAT trick, you can also pull todays CURRENT pick rate, by looking at the daily chart for this week… so far today, it is 6.6

So been going up constantly… AND so far today it is a new high.

Not looking good for the argument that it is going down… because it REALLY isn’t…


Yeah, cause GM is the best place the judge how a hero is doing

But currently it’s moving downwards because yesterday he was near 5.71% and now he’s at 5%. Trends is not accurate at all.

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The point is that it’s going down.

Uh huh… we will see by the end of the day MMmmmm?

In which case, he is in for serious nerfs.


I would say more around the end of the week to make sure.

But he’s going down in pickrate.

And if he is above 5% you will be on the “ok, this is trash balancing” side?

Or will you then go “you shouldn’t use GM picks” or “this is just his meta?” or “above 5% is Fiiiine”


M8, I suggested an ult charge nerf on day one

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There will have to be more than just that.

I hope he keeps his new good base kit, but an ult charge nerf isn’t going to cut it, unless nano itself was also nerfed.

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I doubt there would be need for more since people’s biggest issue is his ult charge rate.

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If Genji was not viable what was Symm then? What was Reaper? Or Bastion? Or Sombra?

But hey, Genji needed these buffs more than anyone else, right? It’s not like there are heroes that have been trash way longer than Geni has ever been.

It’s just kind of unfair.