Genji buff idea

Flashbacks to a 200hp (50 armor from brig) tracer going in your backline and not dying.

Dude you just explained the point of the forums good job. Its a place for EVERYONE to give feedback. Even though we hate on Blizzard they have shown that they will listen to low rank players on occasion. (Bit of a rough state in terms of each rank being balanced).

when players dont have the knowledge or skill to deal with a hero, they tend to claim they are overpowered, because in their minds they are. the hero is unstoppable.

kinda like how bronze players struggle with bastion and think hes overpowered.

logically you arent going to look at those players and say “okay lets nerf bastion”

much like they shouldnt do it for any rank below masters honestly.

thats what the analogy is saying. im not talking about whether or not thats how it works or whatever, youre so in a rush to try and be abrasive you dont even understand the analogy isnt meant to be taking in real world context. EVERYONE knows that pediatric nurses are nothing like trama nurses is the point. they dont have the same skillset they can deal with the same things.

thats the point.

dear god dont give him armor

shields would be fine tho

Every flanker has a way to get in and out, Genji’s gimmick is that he needs to get a kill in order to do so.

My first thought was armor…

Oh hell no that doesn’t even fit his lore hun. I disagree.

I don’t get why everyone thinks genji is so awful when on console there’s many who still play him and do quite well I might add.

Supposedly I’d prefer more adjustments then straight nerfs or buffs. That I won’t disagree on.

That means you’d lose more SR.


Instead we should provide statistics showing his poor performance at even low elos, give suggestions on decent swaps, throw out some strategies to deal with him requiring minimal coordination, ect.

We don’t just say “Haha! Get rekt newb! You suck!” and call it a day, while smugly smirking behind the anonymity of our alt account.

One is being helpful, and fosters a deeper understanding of the game; the other is just being toxic for zero reason and does literally nothing to help with the issue.

It’s ironic you want to call ME abrasive.

No, I understand the dots you were attempting to connect there, it’s just a really flawed analogy.

The entire game kinda counters him on PC rn so people are asking for a powershift.

Genji used to have insane burst damage, they have to buff his shurikens and let his ult xharge longer

Isn’t she meant to counter him?

But that’s mainly going to affect non-beam heroes.

Anyone with 16 damage or less per hit will be affected more by armour than beam damage.

It would definitely change a fight between him and tracer. I’m not really sure how a fight between them normally goes though.