Genji buff idea

I respect your opinion even if it’s rank shaming.


Didn’t old repair pack prove armor on flankers/squishies can become broken real quick?

Oh great now I’m having flashbacks to 275 HP S10 Widow :confounded:

i cant tell if this thread was a response to egryn’s recent post: “Stop asking genji to be buffed” thread.

Absolutely not.

Every rank, role and main should be welcome to speak about balance suggestions, thoughts and ideas. It’s not like the balance team listens to us anyways.

By your logic, nobody here should have a say. After all, unless you are in Contenders/OWL, you’re just banging your face into the keyboard randomly like the rest of us, compared to to them. What do YOU really know?

Somehow I doubt it you would regardless.

Those evil Support players always ruin everything. Curse them!

You’re a better person then me. If someone’s only retort to an discussion is “Oh yeah, you’re in plat!”…that’s not a very compelling argument…specially when hiding behind an alt.

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Bite your tongue! Hackfist was crazy fun…for the Sombra and Doom.

That was adding 75 armor on top of health though. My idea is just converting 100 of it to armor to help against certain types of damage. Even with these changes heroes like reaper or roadhog would still have the potential to 1 shot him.

Armor has almost no effect on anything that does over 30 damage.

I would expect Zarya to easily kill Genji. She counters him just like how she counters

Genji isn’t made to take on tanks.

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As someone who plays both, hackfist was my 2nd favorite meta.

It was SO mean for whichever support wasn’t named Brig though.

Like I generally felt bad every engagement coming out of stealth with 275hp and armor to Hack Brig and watch a 400hp armored Doom just delete something with very little way to stop it unless they broke my Hack.

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He has pretty much the same as most heroes. Dash reset makes up for his lack of health/selfsustain abilities.

its a video game dude its not that serious. Im very good at this game and look at it objectively.

when i say “you cant say that” im speaking logically.

logically you wouldnt go to a pediacare nurse for opinions on whether or not a surgery could work and make someones life better.

just like Logically you wouldnt go to a rank that cant even group up and play together about whether a character needs buffs or not.

I suppose this is what you say to Bastion mains as well?

Ehhhhh, SS with reset, double jump and wallclimb to evade or escape, deflect, and a shotgun.

Not saying he’s OP or anything, but he absolutely has more tools then most flankers get.

This isn’t logical, or realistic. Modern medicine wasn’t solely “invented” by the top doctors throughout time, breakthroughs came from all levels and were combined into what we know today. Sure, there were very prestigious doctors involved, but also 1st year med students, people in unrelated fields, and a ton of “little” people who stumbled upon a solution that evaded even the top minds at the time.

This isn’t to say that we should balance based on Bronze, but more to show how terrible your analogy was.

Besides, if you want to get “logical,” then none of this actually matters. The balance team doesn’t poll the forums and make changes based on the results. Mr Bronze has every right to state his opinion on these meaningless forums as does Mr Plat or Mr Alt Account.

…and if your the best rebuttal you can come up with is “You suck, Plat chat!” then you should save it, it does nothing to educate anyone or convince anyone of anything, it just makes you look like a clown.

Kinda like…

Stop asking for effective health buffs it’s bad for the game, buffs should affect gameplay not just ttk.

Hate the direction this game is going nowadays.

I would rather he get something cool like clinging to wall like the talon assassin than effective health increase.

The hero is supposed to be a glass canon.

Also why is everyone harassing this egryn? He only said armor addition is bad which is totally correct.

Gawd that hero it broke the game on so many levels, i mean after 20 + nerfs it still is strong.

Im sure if i dig I have 1v4 clips of her.

you already have 3 get out of jail cards - 2 of these being abilities which reset, another being from a passive. what more do you want at this point lol.

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Genji needs a nerf, not a buff. He should only be able to dash after he kills someone with his dash, not anything otherwise.

and also perhaps a second or two taken away from his ult.

Hanzo needs his one shot ability taken away, that should be reserved for widow only. He would need some sort of buff to make him viable after that change.

Brigitte needs her shift distance decreased to maybe 5-10ft

soldier is in a perfect spot

reaper needs his ult to have a wider spread, maybe 1.5x what it is now, and also the ability to move a tiny bit more during it.

dva needs her cooldown for matrix increase so she cant just swap it on and off without predicting skills. maybe a 3 or 4 second cooldown between uses

hog is fine, maybe needs a nerf to his heal, so it decreases damage by only 30-40%

mei is fine

sym is fine

echo needs a little higher cooldown for her little bombs

Baptiste needs his lantern adjusted, instead of immortality, maybe just 50% dmg reduction or something like that, and a tiny bit more health for it

moira is fine

ana’s heal needs a tiny nerf, maybe 5-10 health per shot. she should not be able to three shot people.

OH and doom needs a somewhat nerf, after he boops up players, they should be booped in a random way, not the same each time

I’d assume you are talking about wall climb, dash, and deflect?

Brigitte could also have her healing pack do a portion of instant heal and a HOT instead of just insta healing people across the map, no skill trashbanger.