Basically I hope this isn’t abandoned, And they will leave some version of this somewhere.
For workshop purposes at least
Basically I hope this isn’t abandoned, And they will leave some version of this somewhere.
For workshop purposes at least
The problem is that Sym has no control over them once placed. Would work much better as a single turret, indestructible but self-detonates when Sym dies.
Sym could press interact while looking at an ally to redirect the heals to that target. This lets her have control over heals like Mercy, but unlike Mercy, Sym can attack and heal simultaneously. An ability that converts a portion of an ally’s health to shields would be cool too.
Rather than healing turrets I’d rather she have something like the TF2 engineer dispenser. It can have more health and heal multiple allies at a time.
Either way though I don’t think it should be her sole source of healing, she needs to have healing on her main weapon in order to be a Support. I don’t feel strongly that she should be a support, but if they’re going to do it then do it properly.
Torb support? The return of armor packs!!!
They shouldn’t be turrets, and shod instead be an instant placeable structure (shield gen structure) that does area heals on a low cooldown. That’s all that needs to happen
Don’t think turret heals in a mobility game would ever suffice as a primary healing option
As an additional healing method maybe….but that honestly sounds really boring…not compelling gameplay
You have a beautiful brain
Technically everyone does.
low healing but symm still provides high damage. turrets are buggy but interesting. game is about tradeoffs this one is worth exploring
As before this EXC I’m against healing turrets but she should 100% be a support again.
No disagrees with you.
The current healing turrets are just under worked.
Cant get past the state of tanks, so really have no opinion at this time.
Okay how about this:
Turrets target whoever has lowest health in their AoE. They heal to full and then search for a new target. If everyone is full health or there’s no valid targets, they go into standby until an allied player takes damage or enters their radius / LoS and then they re-check for damaged allied targets.
SECONDLY: Make Sym’s left click beam attack able to target allies. When an ally is hit, they lose HP as if they were an enemy, but it’s replaced by temporary shields up to a maximum. They can be healed by her turrets and she can also give them temporary health on top.
I know Blizzard has been against temporary health for a while now, but shields are kinda Sym’s thing. If she’s going to be a healer, she might as well be able to be flavored that way. Her heals per second is still the same, but it opens up opportunities for cooperation with her other support. She’d essentially be giving allies a damage reduction buff that only applies if they’re not actively under fire, which plays into her heritage as a “defence” hero. And considering the way her turrets work best when placed behind the choke in a place people retreat to in order to heal, it makes sense that she could also be there buffing them up before they head back into the fray.
Healing Turrets should be made for another new hero instead of just slapping it on an existing one and calling it a day. More time for fine tunning and fitting said new character thematically. (A paramedic style)
They also shouldn’t be the only ability and no, slapping more healing functions on Symmetra’s current abilities (most suggested being her beam and Orbs can heal/damage) is both lazy and as Symmetra would say, display “such a lack of imagination,” she has to be completely overhauled if she’s to be a support.
If they haven’t done so already, it’s possibly too late in the development cycle to do so.
You could need to actually make Sym a workable DPS for that to happen in the first place at which point you might just skip the shoehorned healing and keep her as the dps she has always been.
what do you mean by workable…she is a brawl hero she is ranged limited and thats never gonna change
Yes a close range hero with no way to stay at her intended range because the 3.0 rework removed her survivability tools. As of right now, Sym is a brawl hero that is made of glass with a TTK thats double as long than her other DPS peers and no tools to survive that delay.
sym is made of glass? thats why she has 225 hp? bruh she does 120dps on her beam she is made to shred shields and control the frontline fight… play with your tank thats your survival…
The ex was a meme patch. Also, i think it was already stated that they’re not working with the OW community but OWL instead. So, nothing we say will do any good.
Edit: Nvm it was a topic created by a dev saying they’re working with blizz commentators and people that have no idea what they’re doing.
I’m just assuming they don’t have any background with working on game mechanics. Only playing games. Judging by this 4 people are running the whole show.
Sym has a beam, too.
I don’t know why they didn’t consider adding a function where her gun’s beam heals all the allies that it passes through, while being able to deal damage like normally, too.
OR have her charged orbs be piercing again, instead of the current mini AOE damage.
And when the orbs pass through allies, they gain a small amount of Shield health, temporarily, for about 10 seconds & deal slightly less damage than currently, when it impacts an enemy.
That way, the turrets do their unreliable, yet, consistent healing. And Skilled shots with the charged orbs can provide a sort of “overheal” effect.
With this type of mechanic, Symmetra’s entire playstyle changes, where the player either focuses on trying to land Shield Orbs onto allies during battle or focus helping with attacking enemies.
The playstyle becomes very similar & more fun, like the way it used to be with Sym 2.0, when she had the moving barrier & shield gen.
She was most fun when she had more options in her utility & the variety of use cases with her utility.
With Sym 3.0 & her design still focused on “Supporting” but with lots of damage in the Damage role, the level of fun due to the limited use cases of her current utility has remained at an all-time low, from the moment they increased the cooldown for the teleporter in exchange for a teleporter that stays up permanently.
That final major change to her kit completely made her way more stationary & easily caught out in the open, due to having to wait in an area before being able to traverse the map with the teleporter, again, after it’s destroyed by herself or the enemy.