A. Too Buggy
B. They are worth it anyway
C. Funny that it heals me as I watch my allies die.
Vote and expand on the discussion below.
(Honestly wish I had more time to test Support Sym, did about 15-20 matches already. But of course I have a life and no longer on vacation.)
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I pick D. Sym shouldn’t be a support as Jeff was against it.
sigh… this about healer turrets…
Focus on that.
Might be a thing we see again with another hero depending.
I think there should be more turrets, maybe two more? you could increase the cooldown.
I think its obvious though that the turrets should target different heroes depending on their health.
It would be nice for Sym (or if another hero gets a kit like this) has another source of healing as well.
Give the turrets two modes. The stationary mode that heals for 30 hps instead of whatever it is now and a follow mode like zens orb that heals for 20 hps. Maybe tweak the numbers slightly and make the range a little more and she might work.
I think she just sucks as support though just make her a tank tbh.
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For a max value of single-target 60hps, it’s not enough to compete with any other support. Zen’s 30hps is instant with no cooldown and moves with the team. Sym has to blow an 8s cooldown to maybe get 20hps if it doesn’t get destroyed before 2s of deployment if her team doesn’t move 3m to the left.
I’d say look to Brig for comparison.
A 3-stack of non-stacking 55hps on a 6s cooldown, that follows allies freely.
- A 6s cooldown already trumps a 24s turret bomb.
For an ability that’s identical, only less versatile and more vulnerable, at least try to get close to those numbers.
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Horribly coded (Aka opinion C)
Other than the way they target, I don’t think you can balance Sym’s healing very well if the only part of her kit that heals are the turrets.
Currently you need all 3 turrets to get 60 hps, which if they healed the right targets would be very good even though they are easily destructible. Adding any further turrets or making them heal any more would make them far too strong, but lessening the effects and having them as is would be too weak.
If Sym would be a support hero, she needs to have reliable healing and the turrets by themselves are not it. Not to mention they would have the same issues as live Sym turrets do: at lower ranks no one destroys the turrets so they’re mega strong but at higher levels, the turrets get destroyed rather quickly so they’re really weak, for the most part.
I think we should have to put our game gold into them to make them work. If you want heals, you must pay. 1g per minute.
If her primary or secondary guided the turrets on who to heal, while the guide beam did some kind of minor healing (like 10-ish HPS), she could have a very effective “strongpoint” healing setup that kind of plays into her defensive strengths where she can direct very strong healing as long as teammates stay in range.
It’s still kind of, like, worse than Moira because 70-ish HPS single target isn’t that great. Maybe buff turrets a little more so she can heal more than Moira single target?
I’m withholding full judgement until (or hopefully) low health prioritization happens.
But to really work well as the primary healing source, I think she’d need to go back to 6 turrets so they could be properly spread or at least have CD/range/deployment time/etc buffed. That, or the turrets would need a bigger rework to become more mobile.
Even with turret improvement, she’d likely still need some form of reactionary healing - or at least - mitigation. Aka something along the lines of bringing back a modified Photon Shield.
Technically there all related.
And that’s not on purpose
Regardless of how effective they are, I think the gameplay involved with healing turrets is pretty neat. Their natural limitations mean that they shouldn’t be the only source of healing, but it’s cool setting up healing stations for teammates to make use of. The closest we really have to that at the moment is Moira bouncing an orb into one of the side rooms in Dorado or whatever. It’s not really the same.
I don’t care whether it’s Sym who gets them or a brand new support, but I would like a form of them on a character.
What if she could provide additional shield HP as long as she’s pointing her photon projector (secondary fire?) at someone? Add a relatively fast decay to it like sound barrier’s extra HP so you can’t just flash a flanker for +50 HP and off they pop to go murder poor Zenyatta for free.
They unfortunately just made them work how they do on enemies when they deal damage.
Target first hero in range and stay on them until out of range or LOS.
If they want to test them properly for healing they need to auto target the lowest HP ally before we can truely have an opinion on whether or not it’s actually good
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I don’t like seeing slapdash work either.
But at least it’s something to experiment with.
As it stands right now you need smart teammates that break the healing link when they are full hp otherwise they are eating heals they don’t need
They are really good to put near your widow though
Speaking of slapdash work… Cyberpunk got an update.
It’s actually playable
Could be interesting. Her orbs are another option for shielding/healing as well.
Only hesitancy I have on giving support capability on her weapon is that it could push towards that being her primary role over being a more DPS focused Support (which would presumably go over better with her player-base.
Awful and gimmicky, extremely unwieldy for little payoff.
Feels awful to lose something unique to Sym (area coverage and flank route alerts) just because some people think that this change is going to somehow bring Sym 2.0 Defense DPS glory days back.
Its plain and simple a terrible idea that, even if it was implemented poorly, could be awful mechanically-wise and extremely busy to make usable. You could need to remove Sentries as a skill and just give her Zen orbs for it to be a viable healing source.