Game text chat not showing all messages

Both the team and game chat in my games have not been showing all the messages. I play with friends and they see messages show up and have shown me while I only see every other message. It’s usually the enemy teams messages I don’t see but sometimes it’s random. I don’t know if it’s an in game issue or if other console players have had it happen but it’s pretty annoying.


i’m on xbox and this has been happening to me for weeks now!! i’m still not sure if it’s my console or OW that’s causing this


I’m on Xbox and have the exact same issue made sure all my Xbox settings were open and unfiltered then did the same on overwatch no change whatsoever, created a entirely new Xbox and battle net account and everything works fine so honestly not a clue must be a bug


This bug still exists on Xbox for months and it’s still not fixed.
Tryed every workaround with privacy settings etc.

Pls fix this :frowning:

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Dusted off my blizzard account and logged in just to bump this. Blizzard get off your lazy butts and fix this.

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This is still an issue. :frowning: about to uninstall and reinstall

still having this issue — xbox player. blizzard stop neglecting your console players! we still don’t even have our ow1 hours carried over yet!

Yup still not working and its annoying as hell, please fix this, it literally makes it hard to play sometimes when everyone else is talking and you cant because you cant see the messages

Confirmed - Still not working

its oct and its still doing it…

Almost the end of November and the bug is still here ;-;

New Year, same bugs… It’s been over a year, Blizzard needs to start looking at their forums.

It’s mid-March. Still a problem.

Late April and Blizzard still doesn’t know how to fix this bug