Game Suggestions

Overwatch needs these changes asap, game will die out in 6 months without them:

Add footsteps into the game, make them as they were back in day one - quiet for teammates and loud for enemies.

Nerf - ana, hanzo, dva. Buff bastion.

Ana takes no skill, her E and SHIFT abilities are easy to land. Nearly impossible to dodge and guarantee at least 2 kills if using both. Her small hitbox is enough to compensate for terrible positioning.


Make her abilities possible to dodge, change her character model to something that is possible to oneclip on constant basis.

Hanzo has no footsteps, he has mobility, wallhacks, almost hitscan bow that is easier to use than pre-rework sym, small hitbox. Jack of all trades, takes no skill to play compared to lets say widow or bastion. Both die without having impact.

Bastion needs 3 changes so he can become playable but not opressive in lower ranks:

Decrease his ult transformation time, increase his direct tank damage to 225, giving him more hp in tank mode wont hurt anyone. Most useless ult in the game right now unless you play against dive with no dva.

His gun is absurdly loud now, cant hear who is flanking me while i shoot (if we ignore the fact that footsteps dont exist)

Buffing recon mode doesnt change anything because he has 1km hitbox, same as hog but with visible head. No one will ever play him like soldier, the only thing he can do in recon mode is shooting afk widows in QP.


Is impossible to kill, especially with heroes like ana and brig on her team.

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.
Forum Code of Conduct - Blizzard Support


This is going to get shut down but lemme grab some popcorn

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Can you share some!?

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You made yourself look incredibly stupid with the title (before it was edited), so I’m going to pass on this. You’re showing the signs of being 100% incapable of calm sensible discussion.

You need to grow up before posting.

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I think you’ll find she takes just as much, if not more than the majority of the roster.

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my POV when I showed Reaper this thread :clown_face:


Someone with level 3 post this pls

have you ever played hitscan? imagine if widow had 1km hitbox shots, thats how it feels like playing against aimless ana abuser, he can just press shift in your direction and you die, her garbage abilities are not possible to dodge

Hey, I made a post about “suggestions” about minor issues within the game that impo would change the game for a better. Of course this is based in my personal opinion but I would love if you guys checked it out and share your opinions / ideas too.
Here it is: [Please Read] Quality of Life Updates / A nitpicking thread

replied to your thread

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Ahh yes….

More evidence as to why the devs don’t listen to forum posters for balance changes :joy:

i have level 3 don’t worry!

