Game suddenly closed, no error message

Was playing a game on Hanamura when suddenly 3 members on my team including myself had their game’s close with no error message. This is the first time the game has closed like this and the fact that all 3 of us had it happen at the same time means it must be a common bug. I’ve also seen multiple posts on here recently reporting similar experiences where their game will close randomly, and even one where multiple team members crashed. Luckly I didn’t lose SR this time but I’d rather have this fixed before I continue to play more competitive. If it keeps happening I’m just going to avoid playing.

Game code : K6DT0Y
Timestamp: 5:58

Just happened on Busan during a comp game, multiple of us got booted from my team and enemy team. After game got a message saying I’ve been removed from voice chat.

I just had this same issue. Was playing a competitive game as a tank. Somebody leaves and we get the leaver warning about receiving a loss, and the enemy team are very close to pushing the payload to the point to win. Before the 2 minutes of the leaver warning elapsed, my game shuts with no error message, program just disappeared. By the time I relaunch the game has, I assume, ended, and I have a 13 minute suspension. Is this an exploit somebody is taking advantage of? I’m surprised this has been as issue as long as it appears to be.

ETA: I was in role queue on Tank, watchpoint Gibraltar. This was a placement match. We had pushed the payload to just before the second checkpoint, and the enemy team were just about to reach it when my game closed.

had this happen to me just now, my whole team kept crashing and we lost a winnable game because of it. Exploit or bug?

This is mostly happening on:

  • PC
  • Quick Play Mode (To what I’ve seen)

I’ve noticed that when this has happened the following character is in the game

  • Reinhardt

From what I’ve seen Console players are not experiencing this. The only thing I’ve seen console players experience is when they are the only one on Console and all the PC players leave the game.

Just got a crash in QP right after enemy Rein killed. Got a crash a couple games earlier in QP when I was Rein and died. Could be related… I’m on PC.

Happened to me right now, i was playing Mayhem, and it crashed randomly, happened to me also some weeks ago, as stated, i got no Error Log and nothing could’ve crashed OW… Can we have a fix? idk, might be some cheaters making us crash, idk… happened to me while i was crashing enemy team with moira, could be anything really…

This exact same thing has been happening to me since the last update. It doesn’t matter what character I’m playing.

It seems to happen towards the end of a game (always during the most intense part). And of course my endorsements level keeps dropping. So dumb.

It’s pretty much making playing pointless.

idk why, but this time video drivers crashes randomly, i’ve cleanly reinstalled them and i’m waiting to see if it does again, for now it’s fixed, hopefully i won’t crash again while playing competitive ;I