Game suddenly closed, no error message

this has happened to me as well, but I’ve noticed a pattern when it happens. mostly games where I backfill. i think I had one game where it kicked me late in the match, but for the backfill games i will be able to play for like 20-30 seconds and then get yeeted out with no error message. Its like I’ve alt+f4.

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Guys. Its still a bug of the latest patch. There is no other reason for it to crash. Were still waiting for a fix.

Just happened to my team and I on Blizzard World. Exit to desktop without message.

Having same problem now. I had entered the match, Ilios, after my team lost one point. My game ‘crashed’(closed itself) without any errors. Then I tried to reconnect, it was successful, and game ‘crashed’ again. My nickname ‘for’, game share code ‘WXT4BX’.
Theory with players, who crash other players sounds not so stupid now.

Happened to me a few times now, Overwatch just closes instantly with no error, dropping you back onto the desktop. It’s always happened in match while I’m alive and outside of a spawn room.

This just happened to not only me but my whole team, 4 people we were all playing Hollywood and then each of our games just shut down. Nothing in event viewer showing a crash.

Happened about 9:35 EST, 2 of us first and then third person and the forth person after seeing the rest of us go offline her game closed by itself as well.

Exactly same behaviour. Overwatch was stable for years, no change in my computer, suddenly 5 times this week, the game randomly close, with no error message

Literraly happend to me in a game 20 minuts ago. In defence of Gibraltar Ana suddenly froze in 2:42 and left the game. And after that EVERY other player that backfill Ana’s slot suddenly left in just a minute myself included. Every time game just closed itself with no error. YRCB05

Edit: Just got another game with constant crashes ZF5YMF

Happened to me twice in 5 minutes. Not eager to test it again. No error, no trace, nothing. Really annoying.

Game just closed itself twice in a few minutes too, half my team was getting disconnected the same way.

Same thing, I lost 3 comp games with people just crashing, doesn’t happen to everyone and most of the time it happens to only 1 team. Could be some sort of exploit or just bad servers. The game crashes instantly with no error message as if I just closed the application. Game is unplayable at the moment.

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I’ve still only had 1 crash from this issue. Others are clearly not so lucky.

Yeah, same issue happening here. Was playing No Limits with a full group- one guy dropped and then about 5 minutes later we all started getting booted back to desktop too.

We all kept trying for a small while before eventually just giving up for now. Only one person in the group didn’t seem to be affected by this whatsoever. No error log to go off of, either. Seems to happen quicker the more time you reattempt it- at least, that’s how it felt to us.

Hope this issue gets resolved quick.

I started playing Hammond, and everything was fine until the game crashed. Well, I submitted a report and was able to log in again, however, I found that my endorsement level had dropped to 4.

The same just happened to me. No crash report, nothing in windows event logs. The game just closed itself. The issue affected members of 1 team only. Started with one member and after like 30 seconds other members dropped out as well. The game ended and I got 15 min leaver status. The issue happened at around 21:15 UTC+2 EU server.

Just as a follow up, Blizzard is aware of this issue and is tracking reports in this #technical-support thread:

just happened to me. joined an already in progress game, picked doom attacked an enemy Ashe and the game closed instantaneously without any error message.

Crashes specifically 1 minute after joining an already in progress game (Quick play). This has happened consistently now, the exact same way, every time for me.

The same thing just happened to me twice in a row backfilling into quick play Volskaya attacking second point with 6 minutes on the clock lol, so I imagine someone else had the same thing happen to them before me, unless they rage quit while winning for some reason.

Anyway, after the first crash, I rebooted the game and got put in the same match, then it happened again right in the middle of a fight, so I came here to see if others were having the same issue, and found this thread.

It looks like it’s been going on a while unfortunately.

Oh… backfill?? I am under the impression that both times I got closed out of the game (no crash report) I was also backfilling in QP… I’m certain this last time I was backfilling because I came here right now, but I also think the last time I was also backfilling.

Good thing I wasnt in any competitive match.