Game is dying for real now

It made a pretty big impact - not sure what rock you been living under - doesn’t change the level of mismanagement etc.

Are you sure? I see nothing outside of these forums and the subreddits about this game. Gaming news only reports on Overwatch when Blizzard pulls another BS move like launching their greedy cash shop or canceling PvE. It has had zero relevance in mainstream popular culture that wasn’t some forced paid promotion like the cameo in Ready Player One, and barely anyone cared about that one.

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This is the only year it was technically true. OW1 did die.

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That’s an easy question to answer.

A harder question to answer is, how is it?

I mean you can factor in multiple variables, one would be its popularity outside the game. Which… yeah not doing so good chief, the only publicity its had for over the last few weeks has been nothing but overwhelmingly and rightfully negative.

If you count a smaller playercount as not dead, then yeah true its not dead. But its definitely niche which for a pvp game is bad in all regards.

Another variable can be blizzards reputation, most people who think of Blizzard now can only really focus on the negatives. They treat their employees just as bad as their customers, so a lot of people choose to not support that.

Again dying isn’t the right word, but a niche competitive pvp game is essentially just as useful as a dead one.

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Yeah and the corporate executives gave up on the game because they want short returns, so here we are.

It got to a point for me where I’m going to buy PS plus to play other online games cause I can’t with OW 2 anymore, I can’t stand playing in unbalanced matches and farming those coins each week, actually this is the first week for me ever since the release that I won’t do every single Challenge, I just got 10 coins and that’s it.

Don’t worry, the game will be revitalized once PVE comes out. I’m really excited about the talent trees, and highly replayable coop content. It’s going to make a comeback, trust me.

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There are games with 100-2000 people playing it and those are the multiplayer games that are dead, not Overwatch lol. It might have less players but it’s not dead

In fairness it was straight up dead in the water in 2022. 20 minutes queues in like silver/gold, the most populated part of the game. At peak times.

2000 people playing and you call it dead game?, game’s truly “dead” when you cant find any quick match, and have to use custom gamemodes or addons. or just play with literally the same people over and over, like nick all star brawl

I play DCUO and I had a friend play with me and when I didn’t I would wait on the upwards of 2+ hours to find 1 single person for the duo mission and missions are big parts of the game.

Wow exactly like the game I was talking about that has around 2k players
2,000 might seem a lot on paper, but then put those 2,000 people onto a game like WoW and you’ll see that 2,000 is nothing.

It’s so sad that a game based on a big franchise like DC cannot gain more than 2k people lol. And it’s not even a bad game either :robot:

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Are you being sarcastic?

Overwatch? More like Watch is OVER.

No refunds.

The GOATS era was a tipping point. The playerbase didn’t start bleeding in GOATS, it was already bleeding for a long time. GOATS is just when it started to affect the “mainstream” playerbase.

The support playerbase was the first to start seriously hemmoraging - the devs decided to rework their most popular support hero in late 2017, and “catastrophic” doesn’t even begin to describe the fallout of that decision. Roughly 40% of Overwatch’s support playerbase quit in protest over Moth Mercy.

(No, that number isn’t pulled out of thin air. Check Titanium’s “why I have yet to not despise Mercy’s current state” thread for the full math)

The tank playerbase was the next to bleed out. Tanks became increasingly less fun to play as their durability kept going down, the frequency of tank-shredding burst damage kept going up, and the game became oversaturated with stuns. GOATS formed at the top end of the ladder to deal with this, but tank players in lower elos and quickplay got stuck in a vicious cycle of “get stuck solo-tanking because there’s not enough tank players left - get burnt out on solo tanking - quit playing tank altogether, leaving the remaining tank mains to be stuck solo tanking more often.”

As an extra nail in the coffin, tanks were made overly dependent on healers around the same time that experienced healer mains were quitting the game in droves.

Even though a lot of people tried to raise the alarm on player bleed over the years, it wasn’t taken seriously as long as it didn’t affect the “mainstream damage-dealer” playerbase.

…aaaaaand then role queue was introduced, making the issue impossible to ignore. It was only possible for blizzard to cover up losing the majority of Overwatch’s tank and support mains as long as they did because of open queue - even when barely any tank or support mains were playing anymore, players could be regularly peer-pressured into playing to a tank/healer on the basis of “If we don’t have at least 1 tank+healer, we’ll get steamrolled and lose.”

It is not possible to cover up for so many missing tank/support mains now that there’s role queue, which requires 60% of the playerbase to mainly play tank and support in order to function properly.


“It’s gone to hell”

20 characters

Some of you never actually played a true dying game and it shows.

People said/say the same thing about WoW and checks calendar 19 years later it’s still running. Same deal with OW.

OW is not dying. It’s just on its way to becoming absolutely irrelevant for the rest of its existence.

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MMR is a W/L ratio value which makes it a skill value relative to all other players. You basically said “It’s not that thing, its only that same thing”.


will the game flat line and they pull the plug on it
will the game will maintain it is player base , streamers …etc
Hell NO

will the game will be able to get new players

the players count will go down till huge changes happening
and those changes isn’t season 6 …

because the new info about the pve it will be behind a paywall
which will result a backlash even more and the company will take years to able to recover on this game to be a game players wanna play

right now the game doesn’t have any appeal to current playerbase or attracting new players
and they need both so the game stay alive
current playerbase = word of mouth marketing which attract new players
new players = need to know that game have rewarding and good systems to invest in it …

and honestly i think nothing will change as long bobby still in command of ABK