Game is boring and unfun

Game hasn’t felt this unfun in years. It’s not that it’s bad, it’s just boring. Same strats and characters over and over. Widow, Cassidy, Ashe, Tracer, Reaper (all hitscans!) and pharah seem to be the only damage characters ever played, with the occasional digger girl, half the damage roster might as well not even exist with how little they are played. Almost every team seems to have a mercy. I don’t see how it’s meant to be fun.


Just don’t play it. Problem solved.


After I finish the BP, I won’t. Last time I played was season 3.


Nice. Now to move onto something you enjoy.


Crazy, I be getting 40 pieces with Hanzo.

What other games got a samurai ninja dude with a bow and arrow?

I will. I just think it’s sad that Overwatch had so much potential and it was all wasted. We never even got the story mode that was promised.


They need to revert every patch from S8 onwards so that more characters are playable again. Too many heroes were left in the dust/are borderline unplayable while a handful have been blatantly turbo OP since. Why are Blizzard so stubborn?

its a dummed down version of a great game. that’s why it feels boring. ow1 was chess and it felt fantastic to play. ow2 is isn’t even checkers its connect the dots. of course its not as fun.


this is exactly the right take, dumbed down, stripped of its soul, butchered for the f2p cash grab. hate it.

Thank you! I dont really feel its a balance or MM issue, its just that the game feels bland as hell. Maybe one of the main problems is that NONE of the new heroes was a big game changes, since OW2 release with Kiriko and Soj. You could argue Mauga, but thats about it. The rest is just at the bottom of the barrel, mainly, because the “old” heroes do their job better or the get countered to hell (sad to be a Ram player with Ana and Zen still so OP).

I just want to finish the BP and then wait for the next season. Space Ranger should be a waifu and therefore be a strong hero that stays strong for skin reasons (not that I would mind), but this season feels just mega boring…

Extreme 6v6 copium right here.

S3 was good, first half of S4 was good, S7 was extremely fun, S8 was also very enjoyable as soon as they nerfed Mauga and the start of S9 was interesting until the mid season patch solved nothing and we play the same game since.

The reason people feel this season is trash, is because we play the same game, with the same stuff since S9 and the BP and skins in general suck this season, while there are no events that people seem to exited for.

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Ramattra was the last hero designed by the old team. Lifeweaver and onwards were all designed by the new team, hence why their designs are all trash. The same people who made Mauga are the ones in charge of balance, alarmingly.

Forcibly thrust into the meta through sheer numbers.

the way its even worse than before, a lot of heros are unplayable :skull:

I think that this is also high copium. The main reason why people are not invested in the new characters is mostly, because they have nothing to do with the story or existing for checking checkboxes (like Venture). Mauga is different, because while he is boring to play, he has the kit of the old miniboss gunners of the old archive missions and people like him more than the other new ones.

Soj with all OW members
JQ with Hog and Junkrat
Kiriko with Genji and Hanzo
Mauga with all the Taloon members

Weaver with Sym a bit?
Venture with no one
Illari with no one

Its sad to see and I really hope that they are done with putting in characters just because they exist. Space Ranger is from the Mars colony, so maybe she is another one of the character with no connection, but I hope its deeper than the other ones.

That’s subjective, because I know I’m having fun when I play…must be a “you” issue.

coming up on 13000 fun games in a row (MH) :man_shrugging:

Stats say otherwise. No one cares about your opinion, its fact that you dont see them in game so often as other OW heroes. Its a combination of design, lore, gameplay and feeling and while heroes like Venture and Illari are great in gameplay, the lore and design is mostly trash.

I am very sorry to tell you, but people who play MH are not even playing the real game. Its nice that you enjoy it, but this does not factor in the general feeling of people currently (speaking of Comp and QP, so like 90% of people).

its just OW without all the stuff everybody on here constantly complains about…funnily enough the game is a lot more fun without it :sweat_smile:

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And I like to play certain heroes and other people I think also prefer fair and not matches where the RNG decides who you play. It does not have the problems, because no one cares enough about MH. Same for Open Queue or Death Match.

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all the stuff you mentioned is extremely subjective. s7 and 8 where the worst seasons. the dps passive existing is proof enough. s3 was utter garbage. s4 was garbage. there has never been a state of this game being genuinly as good as ow1 was. it was new for a while but now after a year of this garbage its rapidly becoming boring. flats said it best"how did we sit through three years of the game being dead yet after one year of ow2 a lot of people are quitting ow." the fact is that even at its worse state ow1 was more enjoyable to play then ow2.

I will stop commenting further, after I have read this. Its fine that you like 6v6 more than 5v5, but man…