Previously no dropping occurred however it’s been happening at a significantly increased rate. Network stats as follows:
Fibre Optic Connection
300 mbps down/up
Latency Avg: ~30-40
No rubber-banding
No noted ping spike
No Loss (I have been streaming on another device TV to test this)
Whats the deal here? i noticed on reddit it’s happening to people in comp games too. Entire teams DC and have to restart the game to get in, so I’m confident it’s not just me.
This last time had me shook cause we were actually going 2-2-2 instead of 4-1-1 in qp as usual so I’m kinda sawwced.
When there are server issues, they report them on the BlizzardCS Twitter. However, there’s been no activity that would cause this super recently. Even though you have good connection bandwidth, and you’re using other services, it’s likely something between you and the servers is not working as intended. Also, streaming services are not a good indication of internet quality, and neither are speedtests. The streams can buffer info so you won’t notice a connection loss, and speedtests only test the max speed ability of your internet.
With any connection issue you want to diagnose, please provide a WinMTR:
WinMTR instructions (click to expand/collapse)
Follow the support documentation for WinMTR. If you’re unable to get into a game for the IP address, then use an IP from the table provided on that page that matches your region. Run the test until you encounter the issue again, or for at least 10 minutes.
Share your results in a reply:
Click the “Copy Text to clipboard” button after you’ve finished the test per the instructions.
Paste the text in a reply, then highlight the pasted text and click </> on the post editor.
Break any links by adding a space before .com, .net, etc.
Note: I’m an MVP/volunteer, and I don’t work at Blizzard.
Thanks, Nicole! It look like this is apart of reported issues with Telus.
We started seeing spikes in reports, but only received some limitation information to help us determine where the issue is. If you are continuing to experience issues, please include a WinMTR test!
Hi, I have also been having a ton of connection issues. Back when the Anniversary event went live I started to disconnect quite often. Today, I have been having massive latency spikes causing huge rubber-banding and what-not. I am including my WinMTR test results below (I put brackets around the ".net"s so that it would let me post this):
I noticed just after I disconnected I was getting massive spikes from Nodes 2,3,11 and 12. If you have any insight on what may be causing the issues and how I can go about solving them, please let me know.
Please don’t piggyback on someone else’s post. It’s advised to start your own thread. As a quick answer (not going to derail the thread again after this), your ISP lines are showing very high response times of 500ms, and several of them are showing packet loss of 3%. This is super common with TekSavvy, there are players reporting them in the forums constantly.