Telus Canada - Sudden hard disconnect from Server during comp games

Hey y’all,

You are all from Canada so there may be something on the route that is affecting you in the same way. Let’s grab a MTR test so we can see what’s happening:

  1. Download WinMTR
  2. Open the WinMTR.exe
  3. Launch Overwatch and click Training → Practice Range.
  4. After the map loads, press Ctrl+Shift+N to open the Network Graph. The server’s IP address is listed in the upper left of the graph. Note: You need to remove the port and preceding colon from the IP address before running a test (example: 12.345.67.89:PORT should be 12.345.67.89).
  5. Type the IP address in the “Host” field in WinMTR.
  6. Click on “Start” and then play for about 10 minutes, minimize the game and click on “Stop”.
  7. Click on “Copy text to clipboard” and paste the results here.