Game freezing with Intel i3 / Dual core CPUs

So the long command worked for me–played 6 hours last night with friends uninterrupted–and also worked for my mum who started playing back in March. I found the FPS didn’t drop if I put it into fullscreen instead of borderless windowed. Honestly, bless all of you in this thread.

(I do also have low settings across the board for graphics and 30fps limit because that’s what I’m used to. I didn’t drop below 25 for the 5 hours after I switched to fullscreen.)

because I got freezing my settings have been reset but the game works better its wierd

you know as a upgrade test
textures medium
texture filtering 4x
custom 59 fps

you might get away with it
after that
add model detail medium

which settings did your change -d3d11? medium preset from low? changing the resolution? also shut down any webbrowsers that use chromium e.g ms edge, chrome opera

What do you mean by long command?

now I changed the resolution and got fast freezing after i changed from low to medium and resolution

after you make changes save exit the app restart.

if it crashes recheck you dynamic rendering setting. i find it switches mines back on.
this is one the worse things that causes crashes

I restarting my game playing as a i have laptop person to work with I currently doing the same tests as you

if i am understanding you you went from low to medieum and made a resolution change. enable video/details turn them all on aim for a vram at 500mn in title. in game this will rise to about 1gb.

on medium preset turn off occultion and lighting and lower shadows. especialy dynamic reflections.

I have a laptop with I7-7thgen and 940mx and still freezes mid game and my game graphics are all low

I do what are you say but now i have faster freezing. I turn back to low
Game in medium is like more stable but i get freezing

after you make changes save exit the app restart.

if it crashes recheck you dynamic rendering setting. i find it switches mines back on.
this is one the worse things that causes crashes

I restarting my game playing as a i have laptop person to work with I currently doing the same tests as you

if i am understanding you you went from low to medieum and made a resolution change. enable video/details turn them all on aim for a vram at 500mn in title. in game this will rise to about 1gb.

on medium preset turn off occultion and lighting and lower shadows. especialy dynamic reflections.
after you make changes save exit the app restart.

if it crashes recheck you dynamic rendering setting. i find it switches mines back on.
this is one the worse things that causes crashes

I restarting my game playing as a i have laptop person to work with I currently doing the same tests as you

if i am understanding you you went from low to medieum and made a resolution change. enable video/details turn them all on aim for a vram at 500mn in title. in game this will rise to about 1gb.

on medium preset turn off occultion and lighting and lower shadows. especialy dynamic reflections.

if your fast freezing be awear not to be too eager in spawn for 25-35s

the level assets are loading into memory.
sometimes if i am too eager i crash in the spawn by moving around too quickly and jumping turn keep medium preset but lower the resolution turn off ambient occlsion and lighting

also only use * resolutions on full screen

i repeating my testing the same time as you at hese settings
medium preset
occulstions off
relections off
dynamic reflections off
lighting low

fps custom 59

my dxdiag:

Now say i have open game but has been closed using the task manager and there is nothing to overwatch in the processes, now I think I need to do a laptop reset

just finished my first round

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get me hung dxdiag

i just cooompleteds my first game
although it switched on dynamicic render
running 1200x720p
i set 60fps but its running at 30 i recheck my settings soon
loading into game 2

I crashed on 2nd game but you know what i did up the frames to 59fps, so 2.5 rounds completed

it crashed on gibratar at the 2nd checkpoint as we delivered the payload the big door dropped down and it broke. new tip to self dont look and doors opening in game. hahaha

i going to drop the the fps back to 30

medium preset
occulstions off
relections off
dynamic reflections off
lighting low

fps custom 30
limit data send and recieved as on
details /displayed everything all turned on my vram inload is about 5-600mg in game ish so half load for the gpu

Blockquote -–tank_WorkerThreadCount 2 -d3d11

for me --tank_WorkerThreadCount 2 -thread 2 this worked perfectly I played a lot of games and never freezer till now


okey now i dont have freezing
i change do low
use –tank_WorkerThreadCount 2
and reduce buffering is off

CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i5-3470T CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz
GPU: Radeon RX 560 Series
dxdiag: ------------------System Information------------------ Time of this r -
Game freezes in practise range

here my dxdiag
dxdiag -

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