Game: Corrupt-a-wish

Granted but your computer explodes and your dog eats your copy of OW

I wish I found a job I actually liked doing

granted but you get no money from it

i wish roadhog got buffs

granted but the dev heard it as “in the buff”

I wish Mei’s Beekeper costume shot out bees.

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Granted, but the bees then come out of your screen and attack you.

I wish Blizzard would make new Symmetra’s primary fire better.

Granted, it now has unlimited range and locks on targets that aren’t even in your line of sigh. However every three seconds a teleporter appears activated in the exact point where you are and you are transportated to a random place on the map: even out of the game boundaries

I wish I’d get a new job

Granted , but its cleaning peoples dirty coaches
i wish i can sleep

granted but u can only sleep on the floor nothing else
i wish i could get to top 500

Granted, but you cannot play anything but competitive on Lunar Colony.

I wish I never got Symmetra in Mystery Heroes.

You can never play any mode but mystery heroes.

I wish I would never get a 1 trick on my team.

Granted, but then your teammates suck at playing Overwatch.

I wish for this Corrupt-a-wish game to keep going and for people to keep commenting.

Granted but the next guy who make the comment have to corrupt my wish at 1852 again because I went to the future and find a cure for my disease (that is also my wish).

You just gave me my wish man…that’s not how this game works

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How about this instead @Kamakura

Granted but this thread gets shut down after my post

I wish junkrat and brigitte weren’t in the game

We all know that’s not gonna happen…and you’re still giving me what I want

I corrupt it so the next guy have to comment as my will to make my wish come true thus it is not “people keep commenting what they want”.
:)) Mind games

Fine then…Granted, but you dont remember what you wished for so you forget to ask.

I wish for this Corrupt-a-wish game to keep going and for people to keep commenting.

Granted but they do not understand the rules and speak in a foreign tongue.

I wish I could go back in time and do it all over again

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Still granting my wish man…

That’s the point to grant the wish but corrupt it. It’s been corrupted.

Granted, but due to an error in your time machine travel thingy device you went back even farther in time, your mother meets you before you were conceived, fells in love with you, never thinks romantically about your father and so you were never be born.

I wish for Mondatta to be restored using a backup.