Game: Corrupt-a-wish

Granted… or am I just happy to see you?

I wish for a Meka in real life

Granted…but it is made out of cardboard.

I wish for a Tracer nerf

Granted but it’s a Tracer nerf gun. It still goes Tink tink tink tink if you get head shots tho.

I wish the Anniversary event lasted forever!!!

Granted! But you only get voice lines and profile pictures

I wish for Brigitte to be removed

Granted but she is replaced by Bruehilda which has double of everything Brigitte had AND wall climb.

I wish I treated people and myself better

Granted but everybody treats you like garbage

I wish for somebody to comment

Granted, but it is a negative comment

I really don’t like you.

I wish I didn’t have so much fun solo q-ing so I would stop doing it
(I just keep winning)

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thank you

Granted, but now you can not win a match
I wish that every time I used Charge as Rein it would insta pin anyone on the enmy team, even if they are a mile away

Granted, but you can only charge once per game

I wish I could get to diamond

Granted you rise from the ranks to hit diamond! It is a joyous day! All your dreams are coming true. You go up to the corner store for some victory snacks only to find out it is being robbed. In your diamond bravado you try to foil the robbers. But you quickly realize that they are diamond too! You battle to the death only for them to push the payload in Overtime as the kill cam shows your demise. GG

I wish Pink Mercy’s skin had more ribbons

Granted, but now the ribbons don’t stop. More keep appearing until you can’t see Pink Mercy anymore. But they don’t stop there. Now the entire continent is filled with ribbons. More keep appearing. Now planet earth is filled with ribbons. The ribbons keep going. Now the entire known universe is filled to the brim with pink ribbons. Look what you have done, you monster.

I wish the game was balanced and everyone would stop being toxic.


Granted, but everyone gets permabanned for being toxic, thus stopping all toxicity. The Game is balanced now, but has nobody to enjoy it.

I wish that Reinhardt would be immune to stuns/slows whilst charging, and if roadhog hooks him whilst he’s doing it, Roadhog gets pulled along for the ride, rather than stopping it entirely.

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Granted! No one can stop the charge! Not even Reinhardt himself! He keeps charging through trees, buildings, even oceans! Eventually he charges to the speed of light and the world is ripped in half from his trail.

I wish everyone was required to carry a hammer like Reinhardt in real life and we took time outs wacking each other and yelling yahhhhhhhhh YAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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granted, then you get pinned by that ONE Reinhardt who wants to charge both of you off a cliff

i wish i was that one reinhardt

Granted, but now you charged off of a cliff and you are dead.
I wish people spelled Mccree and Pharah right

Granted, but the correct spelling of their names are now mcree and phara.

I wish matchmaking was balanced


Granted, matchmaking is balanced by making all heroes equally broken and unplayable.

I wish dps and healer mains could resolve their differences (and bow before the mighty tank mains)

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granted, but now everyone becomes a tank main, and you have 6 tank games

I wish this thread will get to the post limit

Granted, but every post made hits the post limit, so that nobody can ever comment, It evolves and now you can’t post because you hit the post limit.

I wish for every skin