Game connects to Brazil Server instead of US EAst?

I live in Florida, used to play a lot but have been playing less lately. But I’ve noticed in the last several sessions, i keep ending up in the GBR servers. I know this because my ping noticeably spikes to 150+, and when I check the network graph (Ctrl+Shift+N), it shows I am in gbr1 as opposed to ORD1 which is what I’m used to seeing.

It would be one thing if I was connecting to central servers and getting 60-80 ping, but 150 ping is entirely unplayable when I’m used to 50-60. What happened to ORD servers? Are they shut off? If so, why is the game pushing me to gbr servers instead of central where I should have noticably less ping?

I tried using pingplotter, and the result is basically this:
US Central ( avg. 60 ping
US West ( avg. 82 ping
GBR ( Major Packet Loss at final step, fails to show a stable ping

I already responded to the post you made with your other account.

This one talks about GBR in the post body.

Thanks for your response in the other thread, i was hopped on the wrong account. I use GBR in the body because that is the name of the server in network graph (gbr1) and considering I am set to Americas region on Battlenet launcher, and encountering mostly portuguese speaking players on my team when I play, I am assuming that server is located most closely to Brazil.

As for the routing issue, how could I go about trying to resolve that? Is there any settings i can check on my router settings or do i need to go straight to my ISP for support, somehow trying to explain the issue to them? I attempted a router restart but rather than resolve the issue, I now am connecting to SYD2 (Australia?) server instead of gbr1.

I have some IT Experience, and while I’m certainly no internet routing specialist, nothing seems out of place in my pingplotter. I would expect ping times to go up if there were an issue and that is not happening. Even other games or services I don’t have this issue with, it seems localized entirely to overwatch servers.

I did manage to connect to an ORD1 game today ( and, so I plugged those IPs into pingplotter and it does seem to have some kind of issue at hop 13 when attempting to route to, and at hop 15 when attempting to route to it shows 100% packet loss on pingplotter for both

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Yes, you would need to work with the ISP. Blizzard isn’t an ISP and has no control over how your connection is routed in the steps leading to the server. “When I try to play Overwatch, my connection is being routed to South America by the ISP.”

Many nodes in the US are configured to ignore ICMP requests, which is what PingPlotter uses by default. It will result in some nodes showing 100% loss, but if you see a node after a 100% loss line, meaning the connection continued, then it definitely can’t be a real 100% loss.

Many nodes in the US are configured to ignore ICMP requests, which is what PingPlotter uses by default. It will result in some nodes showing 100% loss, but if you see a node after a 100% loss line, meaning the connection continued, then it definitely can’t be a real 100% loss.

These 100% loss nodes are occurring at the last attempted hop, there are no nodes after them. There are some 100% loss nodes elsewhere on the list but not on the ones i specified above.

I’ll contact my ISP and see if they can resolve.