Game connects to GBR servers instead of US East or Central

I live in Florida, used to play a lot but have been playing less lately. But I’ve noticed in the last several sessions, i keep ending up in the GBR servers. I know this because my ping noticeably spikes to 150+, and when I check the network graph (Ctrl+Shift+N), it shows I am in gbr1 as opposed to ORD1 which is what I’m used to seeing.

It would be one thing if I was connecting to central servers and getting 60-80 ping, but 150 ping is entirely unplayable when I’m used to 50-60. What happened to ORD servers? Are they shut off? If so, why is the game pushing me to gbr servers instead of central where I should have noticably less ping?

I tried using pingplotter, and the result is basically this:
US Central ( avg. 60 ping
US West ( avg. 82 ping
GBR ( Major Packet Loss at final step, fails to show a stable ping

No, the central server is still available. I’m also connecting from Florida and that’s the server I land on most of the time. Occasionally, I land on the Las Vegas server.

Probably an ISP routing issue. There have been a lot of routing issues with Florida recently. I’m using Charter Spectrum and had to escalate a troubleshooting call with them several times to get a routing issue resolved.